There are many, many things that irritate liberals, but one of the biggest irritants to them is so commonplace that one is baffled as to why they give it as much attention as they do.
We’re talking, of course, about soda, the sugary type of drink enjoyed by millions of Americans. Although it can have adverse effects on one’s health if drank in excessive quantities, this is common knowledge known to virtually everyone, meaning that some people are aware of the risks of drinking too much soda and choose to do so anyway. This is a problem yes, but a problem of self-discipline not ignorance.
But this isn’t good enough for leftists: to them, soda is a horrifically evil vice that must be expunged from society at all costs by the nanny state, with many pushing for laws to restrict or otherwise impede consumption of the drink.
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Hey, that is how the City gets more $$$ to keep paying out $$$ to the breeding welfare queens and their thug crew. Can’t forget the illegals and Muslims geting their City free cash also. Hope they all go bankrupt – belly up – out of cash!
Jack Kunze Jr. , we are. But if a person is low income, probably not smart to p**s off money in non-essentials. Especially un-healthy ones. I didn’t say they weren’t free to do so, just not very smarts.
Not to mention if a person is on Gov’t assistance, they should have to give up some freedoms since others are giving up some freedoms to pay your way.
You vote them in. Keep voting Democrat, that’s what you get.
this and many other reasons is why we need smaller government they have there hands in things they have no busness being in
Next up coffee tax, then fast food tax. All in the name of education.
If the people in this city continue to let the city government make the rules they kind of deserved this. Time to remember We The People are the government and make their elected officials listen to them.
The govt. Will use anything and any excuse to tax the American people !
All tax increases should be put to the vote of the people and not imposed by on us by the govt.
It’s time for the govt. to reign in spending and balance their budget the same as we the people have to !
It’s not much different than the tea tax that sparked a Revolution a couple of hundred rears ago.
It’s not much different than the tea tax that sparked a Revolution a couple of hundred rears ago.