The left is relentless in its desire to commit cultural suicide. How else can you explain permitting migrants to take over entire areas of historically western cities and turn them into third-world hellholes? Any sense of the rule of law is abandoned as violent gangs claiming to enforce the law for their unique communities enforce a law of their own that is in utter opposition to the laws of the nation or even of common humanity or decency.
In Germany, one violent crime is committed by a migrant every two minutes, and police there have declared that they have essentially ‘lost the streets’. A very similar situation exists in areas of Swedish cities. Is that what we want in America?
This is the future that awaits nations that permit uncontrolled immigration. And a good look an example can be had on page two.
So isn’t it time to round up the Muslims and send them home. What are you’ll waiting for, to be killed off.
Why?did you all run out of ammo or what.
Maybe it’s time to relax the gun laws!
goodbye Europe
And your liberal”friends” will come up with some justification for what’s happening in these countries and even try to convince you why we should allow this to happen in America. Maybe we just need to accept the fact that liberals are starving for attention and the positions they take surely accomplish that!
So what are the Muslim animals going to do when the resources dry up. Cause they will. They won’t work…they ruined their own countries. …now they move into others & ruin them. It can’t turn out well.
It’s coming to us!
President Trumps most important concern in our country should be to DEPORT all ILLEGALS!!!! Then build the wall. If it is not done very soon we will be as bad off as Germany!