The left is relentless in its desire to commit cultural suicide. How else can you explain permitting migrants to take over entire areas of historically western cities and turn them into third-world hellholes? Any sense of the rule of law is abandoned as violent gangs claiming to enforce the law for their unique communities enforce a law of their own that is in utter opposition to the laws of the nation or even of common humanity or decency.
In Germany, one violent crime is committed by a migrant every two minutes, and police there have declared that they have essentially ‘lost the streets’. A very similar situation exists in areas of Swedish cities. Is that what we want in America?
This is the future that awaits nations that permit uncontrolled immigration. And a good look an example can be had on page two.
Good for you. That’s what happens when you invite trouble in.
They CHOSE to lose it.
Liberals; Democrats; Leftists of every kind, are betraying every European nation in which they are the political leaders.
A leader of a country has a first duty to protect and preserve their nation and protect its citizens from foreign or domestic aggression.
Eastern Europe national leaders have not forgotten this duty, and they are all acting to protect their people and their nations and their cultures.
It is mostly Western European nations with Leftist governments that are failing in their duty to preserve and protect.
Immigrants know all this about the political Left. It is why their first choice for invasion is to such Left dominated nations. They view Leftists ( correctly ) as useful tools to facilate their invasion.
This is true even in the Americas. Canada is repeating Europe’s errors, as was the U. S. during the treasonous Obama period.
Europe will finally face two choices. Either the people themselves rise up and remove this scourge, or each nation’s military will finally decide their nation is at great mortal risk, and will do what is required to restore their nation’s security.
At some point the people must finally realize that they are being betrayed from within, and stop voting for politicians who allow, or cause these problems to occur.
WOW….Who coulda seen That comin?
they just noticed
Shoot all them Muslims get back your city
But no invasion huh?
Way to go people your all gona die now