The left is relentless in its desire to commit cultural suicide. How else can you explain permitting migrants to take over entire areas of historically western cities and turn them into third-world hellholes? Any sense of the rule of law is abandoned as violent gangs claiming to enforce the law for their unique communities enforce a law of their own that is in utter opposition to the laws of the nation or even of common humanity or decency.
In Germany, one violent crime is committed by a migrant every two minutes, and police there have declared that they have essentially ‘lost the streets’. A very similar situation exists in areas of Swedish cities. Is that what we want in America?
This is the future that awaits nations that permit uncontrolled immigration. And a good look an example can be had on page two.
there will be War in Europe and it will be Very Ugly . .
Very sad to hear, but it’s already starting hear look a Dearborn Michigan!
Deport or remove all Muslims from America!
Pay attention America!!
Christer Thynell freaking ridiculous!
Coming SOON to an American city near YOU– because of left wingers and Liberals–when they chop your head off you can say to yourself “Oh$#%&!@*- What were we thinking”
Gee … Time to wake up.
Call out your Military. Leave or be killed.
I see some brass on the cop’s hat which means not just a disgruntled patrol officer. I don’t understand because liberals and Islam have a different view of the world.
When it comes to quality of life, there are few countries that can supersede America in terms of luxury, comfort and overall well-being. Not even Canada or Britain exceeds the United States in quality of life. However, Norway, an oil-rich country situated in the Scandinavian Peninsula, undeniably outstrips the American standard of living.
The United States has a lower per capita GDP than Norway with a GDP of 51,749 compared to 99,558, respectively, and is also home to one of the most pressing income distribution gaps in any industrialized nation, surpassed in income inequality by only Russia and Mexico.
Due to America’s cavernous income inequality, the poorest 38% of Norwegians are better off than the poorest 38% of Americans despite an overall lower average per capita GDP. According to Syracuse University professor Timothy Smeeding, the United States relies heavily on the markets to an extent that social safety nets are neglected, unlike Norway, which focuses more resources on providing aid to the poor.
The Norway government owns the oil. The USA is comprised of free enterprise and the freedom to succeed or fail. Norway population 5 million. USA population 325 million. See the differences yet?
David Hepler and so it begins you might want to go to the fatherland and be ready for the shield defence against the bombs