In the world of marketing, there’s nothing quite as helpful as good product placement. Not only can it show you what the product does, it can be helpful in telling you what the manufacturer stands for.
The same can be said about politicians. If you’ve seen any of Hillary Clinton’s speeches, you’ll notice that the people behind her are strategically placed. You have your African-Americans, your Hispanics, your Muslims, your gay and lesbians, your average Joe . . . and let’s not forget about fathers of terrorists.
While giving a speech in Kissimmee, just south of Orlando, Hillary found herself caught in a bit of irony. According to sources, she was supposed to be talking about jobs and the economy, but instead started her speech off by paying tribute to people affected by the Pulse Nightclub shooting. Ironically, Seddique Mateen, the father of Omar Mateen, the Orlando mass shooter, was standing in the crowd directly behind her. Apparently, he’s a strong a supporter of Clinton.
Read what he had to say on the next page.
ump has never spent a day in uniform, nor has he given his health or the life of a friend to protect the citizens of this nation. As a draft dodger, Trump has made no sacrifices for his country. The seemingly next step for Trump was to hand the medal back to the veteran and thank him for his service. Trump, however, pocketed the medal of honor.
She is one evil scary sorry excuse for a woman !!
Now that’s kind of odd…don’t you think?
Still not sure what that has to do with killery having the scums father at her rally.? You know the one that actually killed your buddies in Orlando ?
As opposed to all the many years killary soent in the service in uniform defending our country???? You blind sheep you! Oh, I forgot, she said she landed in some foreign country and was supposed to be greeted with a ceremony , but instead was greeted by sniper fire and had to run with their heads down to their vehicles……..proven b******t, but sheep like you just eat it up and support the criminal anyway!!!
What time has HRC spent in uniform? Poor choice of argument
Blue screen crowds…all f**e was all the black thugs moms that were suckling her too ? Wake up !
yet Syed , I don’t hear you bashing Slick Willy or Barry … neither of the 2 served , and how do you know that he dodged the draft ? maybe he just wasn’t old enough , or his name wasn’t drawn … not every young man of fighting age went to Vietnam , yet some did and some volunteered … kinda funny tho , you have the same last name as the pos potus we currently have in office… are you a US citizen ? were you born and raised here? How did you manage to get a job at the federal reserve ? so many questions … can you answer any of them honestly ? Did you serve ?