Donald Trump’s presidency has inspired a wave of protests across the nation, but they’re not the product of grassroots anger. Instead, people are simply following the money — and protesting the government can be a full-time job.
Billionaires have been funneling millions of dollars into campaigns meant to obstruct Trump for over a year. George Soros alone has funded 187 anti-Trump organizations. These organizations then use the money to plan “grassroots” demonstrations around the United States. Where there aren’t enough people to attend, they bus them in. If that isn’t enough to spark attendance, they’re offering cash as an incentive.
Republicans have been speaking out against these “paid protesters” for weeks — but now they have proof that the protestors standing outside of their offices are only there for the money.
Read about one organization that is offering a full-time pay to those willing to protest on the next page:
That should be a crime for either party. I feel it time for the two party’s to meet the two side of America, the people – each want the same thing, to live the best of life can give. It time for people to get together without putting dishonest in their words. We the one that needs jobs and this can create many better wage jobs by putting our heads together and get with our politicians ,demand what we want in Life and speak with each untill it better for each other. Our new life can not change with just politician, it need the people of the USA to make it better. God Bless.
Look on the bright side…
The organizations will never claim to be bankrupt…
For 8 years we watched President Obama , and his family attacked with the most racist , misogynist , lies in History . He handled it with class and dignity . Republicans elected this thin skinned Orange Clown whose up half the night tweeting attacks on his critics like a petulant five year old ! What an embarrassment to America !
The man said he would create jobs……
That’s absolutely sickening liberals are totally ignorant no brains
Every worst fear about Donald Trump’s status as a conspiring puppet of the Russian government was confirmed tonight when he was caught giving highly classified information to two Russian government representatives. Trump gave the intel to Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov and Russian Ambassador Sergey Kislyak on Thursday. But based on what we know of the longtime relationship between Trump and Kislyak, this can’t be the first time Trump has given him classified intel.
Follow the dots: Donald Trump and Sergey Kislyak first officially met backstage at a campaign speech in April 2016. Trump was not yet the Republican nominee and he was therefore not yet being given classified intel briefings. But Kislyak’s attendance at Trump’s first-ever foreign policy speech of the campaign was a harbinger of just how thoroughly Kislyak was pulling Trump’s strings the entire time. By the time of the Republican Convention, Kislyak was once again in attendance, and several of Trump’s advisers met with Kislyak as he rewrote a portion of the Republican party charter to his liking.
But then came Donald Trump’s first intel briefings of the campaign, which first began on August 18th of 2016, after he had secured the nomination . Then in September, Kislyak met with Trump campaign adviser Jeff Sessions for the third time. Given what we now know about Trump’s willingness to share classified intel, did he give key info to Sessions, who then gave it to Kislyak? This question must be answered. And there’s much more.
During the transition period, Trump adviser Michael Flynn made several phone calls to Kislyak. Flynn has since been exposed as a paid foreign agent of Russia. Did Trump give classified intel to Flynn, who then gave it to Kislyak? Trump’s son in law Jared Kushner also met with Kislyak during the transition. And these are just the Kislyak meetings we know about. It’s nearly a given that the loose lipped Trump shared classified intel with his entire circle. Which if any of them turned around and gave it to the Russian Ambassador? These questions must now be answered.
Got the proof start arresting them
Charge the instigators with treason.
And he has, jobless rate is down to 4%.