Yes, those gun free zones in Oregon just keep getting bigger and better. The more they enact legislation, suspend students and post up NO Gun signs, the more the gun issues get overwhelming.
Here is a boy who sought to honor his brother, a marine recently returned from overseas. And the boy’s pride and honor in country and family gets him suspended. See the video on the next page:
Oregon is a gutless liberal state where the water affects their thinking!
What a bunch!
school board should be fired
Authoritarian pieces of c**p should lose all their funding
Raising a good kid wish there was more 8th graders supporting our military. Thanks buddy
I concur. doucebags
Dumb kid, he should have put that shirt in a briefcase outfitted with a timer. Zuckerberg would be trying to hire him…for 2/3rd wage. And DC would be sending invitations.
I find it funny how grown people act like 10 year olds
some in brition