Yes, those gun free zones in Oregon just keep getting bigger and better. The more they enact legislation, suspend students and post up NO Gun signs, the more the gun issues get overwhelming.
Here is a boy who sought to honor his brother, a marine recently returned from overseas. And the boy’s pride and honor in country and family gets him suspended. See the video on the next page:
Not a bad idea. because most schools nowadays are politically correct marxist indoctrination centers
sue the school if it was a dam muslim they would have protected it’s right no dam way we are in America.
Only the godless and evil things will be permitted in the NWO, since they serve SATAN, and the goal is that whoever ids not serving satan, will not even be allowed to exist…..
OK stick to ur guns son, we vets know who the real American are! And thank u!
Not true
I hate liberals for doing this to our country
Old news
I would be proud to wear any shirt honoring our beautiful vets. Bring the suspension on.
remove the school leaders