Oregon State University has certainly been busy in terms of promoting racism, segregation, and being offended. Though, according to them, that last sentence might be a bit backwards. Next week, they will be hosting a workshop for their students that talk about how “implicit biases contribute to injustice.”
That might sound complicated and intelligent, but it’s almost as simple as their methods of thinking. The workshop which has been titled “Making the Unknown, Known: Exploring Implicit Bias in Everyday Life” is part of a nine day Martin Luther King Jr. celebration at the school. And yes, that is just as ridiculous as it sounds. Everything Oregon State University has done in their “bias” campaign completely contradicts everything that Martin Luther King Jr. was trying to accomplish.
In a blurb, explaining the ninety minute workshop, they referenced the Supreme Court’s ruling on the Fair Housing Act, the recent killings of black men by white police officers and ordering coffee at Starbucks.
Which of those things is not like the other?
As it turns out, the whole point of the workshop is to talk about things in common, every day life that create racial bias and injustices. Sorry coffee lovers.
Read more about this on the next page.
I should buy more Starbucks then.
You should continue describing coffee as black. How is that prejudice? What has our world come too???
Im still going to ask for black coffee until someone genetically engineers it to be otherwise, then I wont drink it.
Trump supporters please check your state.Some states you must be registered as a Republican to vote for Donald Trump here in Michigan it is an open state but there are a lot of states that are not open you must be registered as a Republican. And get out and vote in the primaries otherwise he will not get the nomination. Copy and paste it all over social media and get the word out a lot of people don’t know this
Who cares about blacks anyways? Hardly any of them even deserve to be in this country. I could give a$#%&!@*less what your skin color is. But when all you do is break the law and$#%&!@*about why blacks need special treatment, maybe you should go back to Africa
Lordy when will people grow up?
All this division has been brought on by the POTUS and his racist buds. How can America be racist and have a black President. It’s ridiculous!
Get a life people
I will take 2 black coffees to go please
Ignorant. I’m going to wear my black dress and sit with my black coffee, listening to black metal while looking at my black phone, praying for a black market economy.