The stand-off in Oregon between the Federal government and Ammon Bundy and his fellow ranchers does not seem to be winding down. Bundy and his loosely connected organization came to Burns, Oregon about two weeks ago in support of Steven and Dwight Hammond, local ranchers who were accused of arson some years ago. The charges were filed because the Hammonds cleared some of their ranch by burning the underbrush and overgrowth, but the fire spread to surrounding Federal land. The Hammonds were able to extinguish the blaze without help, and in fact, both the Hammonds ranch and the Federal land are said to be more productive and healthier from the clearing, but the government seems intent on making a show of who is in charge.
The charge of arson, which in and of itself seems like a huge miscarriage of justice, in that it carries a mandatory sentence of 5 years in prison. A judge who tried the case thought so too and said that it would be improper and unfair to send them to prison for 5 years each, so he sentenced the Hammonds to less than a year in jail, which they completed some time ago. However, a judge or government agency seeking to show ranchers everywhere just who is in charge has demanded that the Hammonds serve the full five years, and the father and son left for prison last week.
Ammon Bundy claims new documents expose government abuse, page 2:
Oregon has lost a lot to the likes of the blm, forest service, and environmental groups. Trying to push all forms of agriculture out. The timber industy lost ot the fesd of the blm. Farmers lost in klamath falls oregon over a stinking trash sucker fish in the river some nut hroups claimed to be protecting, which is rivers and lakes all over the northwest. then attacks against ranchers, like here in burns. Many in Oregon have said it these nut cases from California can go home.
it happens all the time in the west.
New Mexico gets more federal money than they pay in taxes to government..
The reddest states on that map at the top—Mississippi, Alabama, Louisiana, New Mexico, Maine—have exceptionally high poverty rates and thus receive disproportionately large shares of federal dollars.
There are know welfare ranchers, maybe you kind would like to pay ranchers and farmers the price you pay at the grocery for your foods. That would be dam nice. The price you idiots pay for food is not what the producers get for their livestock, grains or produce. The prices it sell for are based off the chicago board of trade and set by the futures markets, just like the gas you use. When there is an abundant supply to meet demand prices fall. A crisis or shortage and these stocks soar to what is thought the price should be in the future. The farmer or rancher has already shipped to market for the season. So the new prices only effect them in the cost of grain or seed. For the next season. Which even they are hit ith higher cost. The real winners are those invested in the futures markets. There are a lot of government people politicians invested in these markets. The fastest way to make money. hold futures stock create a shortage by recall or some fradulent virus. The futures will soar. The less land farmers and ranchers have for their use the less there is in good to meet the demand. What the likes of you do not realize you get nothing fresh at the market. Even to meat if can be frozen or in cold storage for up to 2 years. Same with produce, most cand be kept in cold storage for up to 2 years. when harvest time comes the new goes to the back of the cooler. for the future. Which the producer has been paid upon sale of their goods. Hell a rancher sells a 1000lb steer to market at $1.45 a pound on the hoof. This beef ends up in cold storage for two year the futures price may be based on cut and use $6.00 a pound. You and many need to wake up and learn the truth. I owned trucks that hauled foods from processing to the grocery warehouses for 15 year, and it use to make a local produce manager mad when i was in the store. He is trying to tell me the apples or what ever is fresh. last time was washington apple from yakima washington. I told him he was a liar. These apples were delivered to the warehouse just 3 days prior. further more I did not need any I had purchased a 50 lb box when i picked them up at the stipper in washington.
government corruption. Hell go back and as much as I never liked oj simpson he was cleared of murder of his wife and her boy friend. but still the families come back and cost him everthing in wrongful death suits. innocent is nothing anymore. yuo may still end up paying the price. Hell there have been others face same as oj did. There is nothing our government or kangaroo justice system does that can amaze me.
Barbara and how many politicians have studied constitutional law. and know how to bend the law to fit their agenda. Facts are 95 percent of all politicians were lawyers, and fact 98 percent of all lawyers are liars. So what runs our nation. Then figure an honest politician is one that is bough and stays bought.
They have to get it out of the building into the hands of someone that can be trusted, That is the problem. Thsy kno not to trust the media. Dam sure do not trust the feds or local law enforcement. That bubba bear sheriff is not trust worthy.
would you use a computer knowing it is not secure from hacks
There are know? OK man.
I like to read history and there has always been corruption in anything handled by the government because money and power corrupt. The manipulators are now playing on the world stage and yes there are American victims. Land is a precious commodity so it is being grabbed by any means possible. People have been killed,put in prison , and animals poisoned, shot and burned alive in these takeovers. This has not been investigated or reported on in a honest and through manner. All this is overseen by bureaucrats that don’t understand cattle ranching or real land management.