The stand-off in Oregon between the Federal government and Ammon Bundy and his fellow ranchers does not seem to be winding down. Bundy and his loosely connected organization came to Burns, Oregon about two weeks ago in support of Steven and Dwight Hammond, local ranchers who were accused of arson some years ago. The charges were filed because the Hammonds cleared some of their ranch by burning the underbrush and overgrowth, but the fire spread to surrounding Federal land. The Hammonds were able to extinguish the blaze without help, and in fact, both the Hammonds ranch and the Federal land are said to be more productive and healthier from the clearing, but the government seems intent on making a show of who is in charge.
The charge of arson, which in and of itself seems like a huge miscarriage of justice, in that it carries a mandatory sentence of 5 years in prison. A judge who tried the case thought so too and said that it would be improper and unfair to send them to prison for 5 years each, so he sentenced the Hammonds to less than a year in jail, which they completed some time ago. However, a judge or government agency seeking to show ranchers everywhere just who is in charge has demanded that the Hammonds serve the full five years, and the father and son left for prison last week.
Ammon Bundy claims new documents expose government abuse, page 2:
Greg Rickey Janeau where is your proff hell you are of the liberal freeloaders that still think someone owes you a new home due to katrina. Hell whie miss and alabama got up went to work and rebuilt you new orleans assclowns sat back and whined for more government handouts. Which you people are stupid new orleans several times new orleans has been wiped out because of flooding but still come back and build in the same places. which have never seen anything in that area to want to risk living there for.
This land theft went on long before 9/11. Most people remember Ruby Ridge and Waco. There was a major land grab attempt in Montana in the mid 90’s There was very little media coverage due to the sex c**p of Bill Clinton which was just a ploy. A state atty and blm and other politicians attempting to steal land from the Freedman ranchers along the Yellowstone river area. The media first reported the feds were after these people for illegal guns and tax fraud. Then as the fed mived in to cut the power to the compound by cutting poer to the town of Jordan. Which since when do you cut power to an entire town to cut off cut power to a single house? what was not so popular after this was again malitia types stepped in and dared the feds to pull another waco or Ruby Ridge. The feds backed way off. The freedman surrendered, and faced the courts. It was revealed that the only fire arms coming in were .22 rifles for the ranch kids. well these people were found not guilty. And all their land and holdings were returned to them. There were charges brought by the state of montana against the ones trying to steal and ruin these people. The criminals wanted the ranchers lands. The only place this trial and the results were in from billing Montana east was Billings. The rest were more interested in Billy boys cigar sex details. I still have that news paper.
No comment, Ray Marie Burson?? Huh, imagine that.
Les Weatherford, you dumb f*ck I have a home in New Orleans, Miami & Atlanta, Clown. And FYI, your to stupid to know that, Southern whites in rural areas and military families received the most Snap benefits ( food stamps), & their also the core of the GOP base and the majority of the 47%, its also the only reason, that Mitt Romney apologized for his comments; because Republicans don’t apologize, they double down on their lies, bigotry and stupidity. But Republican voters feeling were hurt and hundreds of thousands of them stood home in the 2012 presidential election cycle and Obama won another majority. Southern whites in rural areas also received the most home loans ( government subsidized), medicare, veterans benefits and social security, but most of them don’t really grasp the concept that it also makes them an socialist. But some will argue that it’s not , because they pay into the system, but Medicare and Medicaid are socialized medicine that was enacted under the Social Security Act of’65! And Ol Ronnie Wilson Reagan stole trillions from social security, because he not only believed that it was not only an socialist program, but a ponzi scheme & on April 20,1983, he made it legal for other politicians to pillage it, including Bush 43 who took 1.37/trillion from it to pay for his first round of tax cuts. Simpleton
This type thing goes on all the tome in the west it just fails to get this much publicity. to many are to scared to open up and make it known. The government namly blm and forest service you people think take care of these suppose federal land so nothing but allow the areas to fall into potential diaster. Instead of selective logging which thins over growth, and clearing of downed and dead trees and brush that fuels wild fires. Then when these fires start they burn ten of thousands of acres. endangering the lives if animals and people. The blm does not fight these fires as much as the local people that are trained to fight fires. Thanks to the forest service, the blm and numerous environmental groups in the region, there is only one section of the Gila Forest that has not burned in the past 6 years, That portion is being taken from a lease to a rancher and a minning company has moved in on it. Two years ago their applications to proceed with minning were pending but since then have gone missing from the web. This was an area where people camped and even panned for a little gold, amongst the ranchers few live stock grazing the land. This so called government is and has been lieing for decades, over what goes on in the west. They forest service and the blm have helpers in these environmental tree hugger groups that are against ranching and minning. Reality anything that gets in their way of a fast profit.
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David where is your proff the word of the blm. dam they commit fraud hourly. The blm and dirty harry Reid know well there is minnig going on near the bundy ranch, and this land the bundies have worked and made useful is worth a hell of a lot more now tha then the BLM first leased to them. It was mostly sage brush a little grass and alkali soil. The same type soil as in burns area and throughout the west. what the feds never figured is there are ways to make this land useful. dam a hour from me down by where my mother in law lives the soil is useless unless you know what to do. Which finally after decades of nothing but sage brush and rattle snakes it is being farmed. Alfalfa, Grape vineyars and even nut orchards where there was once nothing, Even where I am many thought was useless and some even tried to say I was crazy for trying to improve the land and use it for farming and ranching. Now they are not laughing. I knew what to do. Yes i have had to fight to keep it. Fences being cut equiptment damaged. One parcel my wife has up top an idiot tried to steal. he thought he had it made given the nature of the people in the area. But i represented her 3 times first round the chief district court judge backed way off, the nest two I had two lawyers wanting her absolved and out of this assclown from San Francisco kept trying it include her in. One of those lawyers has even asked if I would consider using my Accounting skills to handle his firm and personal business. I refused it is a conflict of interest, and I am retired. I do not want to go back and obtain another state liscense. I gave up the practices when i retied and moved back to the west.
Do true. when just because some one with interest that happended to work the this same blm group did not like the result, goes and gets another court to step in. Dam is is like hey you paid a $100. speeding fine but hey i think you did not pay enough so force another court to retry you. Then with the liberal stupidity who knows. there is a person facing 20 plus years in prison for a crime he did not comit. he was in a vehicle that the driver was intoxicated and caused a wreck, and killed a state trooper. The driver ran off, this guy stayed and now is facing charges that are not his to face. Dam so much for a designated driver idea. Why do something like get a ride so you do not drive drunk. You can still be charged.
Nice word salad there, Les Weatherford. What a rambling mess. Public land is for the public. For camping, hiking, hunting, etc. Not for you or anyone else to ‘improve’. There is plenty of land for sale if you wish to ‘improve’ it. Grazing doesn’t hurt the land. Unless, like the Bundy’s you over graze. So Les, save it for cooling your soup. This land belongs to all of us. Where the Hell do you get off thinking you can come in and lay claim to it because you know how to improve it?? My Native American friends think you’re an$#%&!@* And Frankly, so do I.
Shelly Osborn, you’re an idiot. That IS NOT THEIR LAND. If you were renting a house for years, and the landlord decides he’s not going to re-up your lease. Then, you fucking move! YOU DON”T HAVE ANY CLAIM TO THAT LAND, you fucking moron. And the first judge deviated from the sentencing guide lines on the first sentencing. After review by the DOJ, they were brought back and re-sentenced. That is NOT double jeopardy.