The stand-off in Oregon between the Federal government and Ammon Bundy and his fellow ranchers does not seem to be winding down. Bundy and his loosely connected organization came to Burns, Oregon about two weeks ago in support of Steven and Dwight Hammond, local ranchers who were accused of arson some years ago. The charges were filed because the Hammonds cleared some of their ranch by burning the underbrush and overgrowth, but the fire spread to surrounding Federal land. The Hammonds were able to extinguish the blaze without help, and in fact, both the Hammonds ranch and the Federal land are said to be more productive and healthier from the clearing, but the government seems intent on making a show of who is in charge.
The charge of arson, which in and of itself seems like a huge miscarriage of justice, in that it carries a mandatory sentence of 5 years in prison. A judge who tried the case thought so too and said that it would be improper and unfair to send them to prison for 5 years each, so he sentenced the Hammonds to less than a year in jail, which they completed some time ago. However, a judge or government agency seeking to show ranchers everywhere just who is in charge has demanded that the Hammonds serve the full five years, and the father and son left for prison last week.
Ammon Bundy claims new documents expose government abuse, page 2:
Why don’t they post there proof. Looks and smells like a government staged event.
I love how some Americans are not used to their privilege being equal and entitlements changed. How many other activist could arm um and storm a federal building trespass to find documents. Even they were police, they would have to have legal discovery. But some groups are above the law. Some groups have privilege…. Must be nice. So people have dreams, while others are living it….
Hope so,!
I wish everyone would! We wouldn’t have the pro shop we have today that’s for sure, it’s no accident they do not teach civics in schools anymore
David Allen Welton, I guess that makes you$#%&!@*of the Day.
The FBI are Acting like freedom fighters and trying to penetrate into the Bundy group, they go into the town and harass the towns people and say they are with Bundy! Crafty SOB, S
Our government is corrupt. They have no right to do this.That judge should be fired and put in jail. Its time to over throw our criminal government
It was taken off the BLM computers !
Isn’t it clear by now that the government doesn’t care about the constitution! Congress has openly said they don’t care what the American people think or want! So I think its time to stop calling this country America, it isn’t what the founding fathers had in mind…