The stand-off in Oregon between the Federal government and Ammon Bundy and his fellow ranchers does not seem to be winding down. Bundy and his loosely connected organization came to Burns, Oregon about two weeks ago in support of Steven and Dwight Hammond, local ranchers who were accused of arson some years ago. The charges were filed because the Hammonds cleared some of their ranch by burning the underbrush and overgrowth, but the fire spread to surrounding Federal land. The Hammonds were able to extinguish the blaze without help, and in fact, both the Hammonds ranch and the Federal land are said to be more productive and healthier from the clearing, but the government seems intent on making a show of who is in charge.
The charge of arson, which in and of itself seems like a huge miscarriage of justice, in that it carries a mandatory sentence of 5 years in prison. A judge who tried the case thought so too and said that it would be improper and unfair to send them to prison for 5 years each, so he sentenced the Hammonds to less than a year in jail, which they completed some time ago. However, a judge or government agency seeking to show ranchers everywhere just who is in charge has demanded that the Hammonds serve the full five years, and the father and son left for prison last week.
Ammon Bundy claims new documents expose government abuse, page 2:
Federal law still supersedes state and I don’t think anyways the states will argue they are independent sovereign states and turn away federal money for anything that serves the common good, once again , an interpretation here.
I was referring to the Constitution itself in Article IV Section 3 Clause2, the property clause. Once again, all this is open to discussion and has arguments both ways. Maybe the real point isn’t if they have a legal right to the land bit do they have the legal right to take it by force?
So, did Donald Trump on Obama when his investigators had some much damaging information on Obama! Wait, that was a lie too. Carry on, How many government loans did these leeching Bundy’s receive will they rail against the same government! So like Trump who rails against Muslims & the government; but most of his money sources come from both of them.
Wtf? Seriously Montel Williams, you idealized Dr Phil too?? You liberals wouldn’t be saying this if your family had been paying grazing/water rights all along and now government says no more. Bundy case. Now the two men who already served them jail sentence are sent back to prison(illegal) for same charge because another government person didn’t like their first sentence. Charge burning on their own land which blm would have done anyways. This new long sentence allows for 2 families to lose their ranches and the gov can have the land & what under it. No terrorists, no poaching, nothing to do the Indians.
Good. Put it on the net
Excellent… I wonder if any of them say Clinton or Reid on them?
I can’t get to the second page … What does it say?
BS spews eternal from these colossally retarded clowns.
The gov CANNOT OWN LAND it’s written in constitution period folks get yourselves educated BML are thieves
It’s not justice for these guys to serve twice its a slap in our faces commie gov needs to go
You know this all started with republican president teddy Roosevelt!