The two Christian bakers who refused to bake a wedding cake for a lesbian couple have not only been ordered to pay the gays $135,000 for the ‘mental anguish’, but the state of Oregon has placed a gag order on the couple. Even speaking about their faith and the case in public is punishable.
Also, if the couple pays the $135,000 and then wins on appeal, they won’t get the money back!
However, Aaron and Melissa Klein aren’t backing down from carrying through on their Christian beliefs, and it could soon cost them their property.
Stand for God, not foolish men.
Looks like God just rewarded some of his faithful with $135,000.
God just rewarded the faithful with $135,000.
For a spinless liberal I got a lot of guns so this should be fun.
Thankful for your stand for Christian principles and God’s Word! If I can help in a small way or a big one, let me know! We must fight against these horrible atrocities against Christians!
Alliance defense fund
I love the intelligent repartee of society’s bottom
no matter what oregon does, the $#%&!@*s wil still not have cake.
If we lose all our earthly possessing because of Obama unlawful abominable hate crime bill aim at destroying Christians it will only make heaven that much sweeter. Jesus said two Thousands years ago Likewise also as it was in the days of Lot: they did eat they drank they
bought they sold they planted they builder.But the same day that Lot
went out of Sodom it rained fire and brimstone from heaven and
destroyed them all even thus shall it be in the day when the son of man
is revealed Luke 17: V 28 29 30
I f that enough to convince you that God is real and the bible is true
then you are beyond help.
What happened to this couples rights? I guess in Oregon only gays and liberals have rights.i forgot the atheists.