The two Christian bakers who refused to bake a wedding cake for a lesbian couple have not only been ordered to pay the gays $135,000 for the ‘mental anguish’, but the state of Oregon has placed a gag order on the couple. Even speaking about their faith and the case in public is punishable.
Also, if the couple pays the $135,000 and then wins on appeal, they won’t get the money back!
However, Aaron and Melissa Klein aren’t backing down from carrying through on their Christian beliefs, and it could soon cost them their property.
Be willing / able to walk away from everything (business, homestead, friends, if OR becomes too intolerable. you can set up your business in WA. Keep your account active in
Is there a christian based group that is raising funds through donations to fund raise money to defend Christians who are and will with out a doubt be attacked for holding to their beliefs? If you know of any who offer legal and or financial support please let me know. I’ll help spread the word.
And we have and idiot
Time to move away from there and go someplace where theyre really wanted and set up shop
1215. Org know how to defend your liberty in in any common law country
God Bless You for holding on to your beliefs. God knows and sees when you are persecuted.
God please bless this brave young couple, give them strength to do what must be done. Thank you Lord, Amen
hold the line!
Easy as 1 2 3.. move out of the state and let it go to hell and a hand basket…
This is just wrong if you can not stand buy your beliefs then what do you have nothing God is always looking out for the faithful my prays are with you