The two Christian bakers who refused to bake a wedding cake for a lesbian couple have not only been ordered to pay the gays $135,000 for the ‘mental anguish’, but the state of Oregon has placed a gag order on the couple. Even speaking about their faith and the case in public is punishable.
Also, if the couple pays the $135,000 and then wins on appeal, they won’t get the money back!
However, Aaron and Melissa Klein aren’t backing down from carrying through on their Christian beliefs, and it could soon cost them their property.
Stand firm in your faith! God says He rewards those who seek Him. So stay strong and courageous!!!
Battles can be won and lost Ron, but God has already won the war. We still stand with Him.
Starting a christian coalition watch for it brothers and sisters
Christians unite! We are stronger than this reject from Oregon that fined this couple and their business.
God Bless you
I should have known all these years that oregon had a bunch of $#%&!@*ies living there
God will stop Oregon’s gaystapo for the good of these decent people.
gitrdone Sweet Cakes!!!!!!!!!
Except if your Muslim ? This about targeting and attacking Christinans … U R A complete moron if u don’t think the agenda driven vindictive btche’s that targeted these cake owners because they were Christians .., u and these freaks and everyone’s problem …
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