Oregon’s state legislature just passed controversial new drug legislation, H.B. 2335, with the stated intent to stop alleged racial profiling of minorities.
The war on drugs, however, goes far beyond race. Much like everything else here in the U.S. the real problem starts with the Kool Aid – the ideas or rather thought patterns we’ve been programmed from infancy to uphold.
Say a state were to decriminalize meth and crack to stop racial profiling. Would that mean that the government gave their moral seal of approval on drug use? No. First of all when the heck did conservatives get on board with the government being Big Brother? When did the establishment, the Deep State or what have you, take over both parties? Any partisan issue we are arguing about today be it health care, the war on drugs, you name it, is pointless.
Secondly, decimalizing is not sanctioning, and back to our main topic at hand that goes onto explain on the 2nd page why H.B. 2335 is a perfect illustration of this diabolical ineffective system entrapping the President and our country. More information on how this will affect immigration and deportation as well.
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Yet Cannabis still illegal !!! Assholes !!!
Unfuckingbelievable. Build the wall around those nutbags too.
No Portugal has shown it’s not crazy as the drug laws don’t pretain to how people relate to substances. Its insane how we treat alcohol like its nothing but other drugs we feel the need to throw people in jail
Sick.. The weak become victims and are injured or murdered or killed..
Politicians continue to kill!!!!
Jason Tate you’ll get a laugh out of This! Just wow! This is a perfect example of a libtard!
Every drug addict in America is heading for Oregon right now. Just like every illegal is heading for California. Can’t cure stupid!
Law abiding gun owners are not inclined or driven to commit crime, gun control only serves to empower violent criminals. An armed society is a polite and peaceful society. Ask any Swiss citizen.
In other countries if one is caught with heavy drugs on their possession / lockem up and throw away the key … One under the influence (,self indulgence ) can kill / just another means of depopulation ….A must read by the late William Guy Carr “Pawns in the Game”
Argument fail already margaret lol. My dad was a drug addict and this goes way beyond children. Using the children excuse to throw people in jail is a failed argument. Secondly your argument that drug dealers will thrive is also a very failed argument as with alcohol prohibition because it gives the drug dealers control of an unregulated market. A lot of the problems we see from drugs are simply because it is illegal. If the governemt legalized drugs it would take the gangs out of business by the billions and save the tax payers even more billions. Locking 2.2 million people for drugs doesn’t justify it for the children. We have been fighting this war on drugs for 4t years with little to show for. Mexico is a narco state because drugs are not regulated unlike with alcohol and guns. Another argument fail you make is that this will stop people in the first placer