Reality has intervened once again to thwart the schemes of utopian-minded liberals in that bastion of left-wing politics, Oregon.
Eager to do one better than California Governor Jerry Brown and Washington Governor Jay Inslee, Oregon Governor Kate Brown recently launched a push to increase the already-high minimum wage in the state even further. In fact, her plan would see Oregon go from being the state with the eighth highest minimum wage to the first.
Specifically, she seeks to raise it to $15.52 per hour in Portland and $13.50 throughout the remainder of the state. Brown of course is thoroughly convinced this is a great idea, but many others are not so sure.
Realizing that such a significant increase in wages would throw communities into disorder as they reel from it’s effects, Oregon citizens and officials on both the right and left have criticized Brown’s scheme. The governor desperately tried to defend the new $15.52 minimum wage to Oregonians, but they simply weren’t having it.
Find out what happened next on the following page:
What an evil$#%&!@*she calls for the death of people she doesn’t know… May she rot in hell after she rots in jail
Brown prison 2015 Lavoy’s Murder is on yours, Hitlery and Obummer’s and’s as well as the FBI AND Merc’s you brought in WE THE PEOPLE WILL NOT FORGET Brown PRISON 2016 For Crime’s against humanity and Murder
I can’t see anybody ever voting for this vile woman… another evil hillary… protest her by the thousands and call her out to leave office.. she makes me sick !!! I don’t live there but I detest these left wing Godless people. … protest people and demand she leave office… demand justice for lavoy.
Completely reprehensible!
Raising the Minimum wage is a Democrat ploy to make the Voters think the Dems. will take care of them – in truth – when the minimum wage is increased in most jobs, the company has to charge so much more to pay for the increase, many employees are downsized. Wal-Mart Company caved into Obama to increase wages- the day after the increase went into effect, hours were cut, and many, many full-time people were let go. The Dems. don’t mind forcing their ideas on others, because they live off the taxpayers, but the taxpayers are fewer, and the USERS are more – somehow that doesn’t work. Bringing in Two Million Muslims from the Middle East and Africa to live off the taxpayers, just adds to all the illegals who came through the border from Mexico. No wonder there aren’t jobs for Americans.
Worthless bitch
The citizens are right,…raising min. Wage will not help workers because.everything prices rised…..and small companies will reduce workers or lower any benifits……cause they won’t be able to stay in business otherwise.
Smart people.
She already got an innocent man killed..she seems to be on a roll.