Reality has intervened once again to thwart the schemes of utopian-minded liberals in that bastion of left-wing politics, Oregon.
Eager to do one better than California Governor Jerry Brown and Washington Governor Jay Inslee, Oregon Governor Kate Brown recently launched a push to increase the already-high minimum wage in the state even further. In fact, her plan would see Oregon go from being the state with the eighth highest minimum wage to the first.
Specifically, she seeks to raise it to $15.52 per hour in Portland and $13.50 throughout the remainder of the state. Brown of course is thoroughly convinced this is a great idea, but many others are not so sure.
Realizing that such a significant increase in wages would throw communities into disorder as they reel from it’s effects, Oregon citizens and officials on both the right and left have criticized Brown’s scheme. The governor desperately tried to defend the new $15.52 minimum wage to Oregonians, but they simply weren’t having it.
Find out what happened next on the following page:
4000 patriots that let all their family know what is going on. That is great news, because our government run by the Elites have run amuck and are systematically destroying our America. Bringing in Muslims and allowing illegals in by the hundreds of thousands to destroy our culture and our Constitution ( citizens who have gotten everything for free will vote how ever that government tells them to vote, they will easily vote away our constitution ). The Elites are also destroying Australia and Europe. Time to take back the power and right our course. The
Government has to be back in the hands of the people and never again can we allow this infiltration of elites controlling everything to happen. We allowedThe bankers who set up the federal reserve all the power, now we are allowing the government to sell off all our land which holds the (all our real power) the Power of our minerals and resources to multinational corporations owned by these same bankers. The dollar will crash very soon. America needs a banking
System that is based on the gold
Set up for the good Of the American people. And we need to stop the federal government from spraying the atmosphere with chemicals to create the drought, so they can blame it on global warming and drive people off the
Land. So they can sell off America’s land to the multinational Corporations. The federal government is building up their military resources here to control the America people. The Elites own all the media outlets and only publish propaganda that furthers their agenda. Our schools teach The government agenda of common core which is : America is not Unique, a dumbed down populace is easier To control and Islam is a religion of peace which is the biggest lie any one dares to tell, and we have to fear climate change. Really??? Why are we allowing the government to teach their agenda to our kids???? Please people get the word out before America us completely dissolved.
This Eric Monroe$#%&!@*is on evetyones posts always making deflamatory statements. He gets off on saying things to people on the computer that would get him punched in the mouth if he said them face to face
She has pushed & pushed for the MURDER of LaVoy Finicum, Blood is on her trashy hands and all she can worry about is minimum wage!! She needs held accountable, fired from ALL Political ALLS, prosecuted, and!!!
She has pushed & pushed for the MURDER of LaVoy Finicum, Blood is on her trashy hands and all she can worry about is minimum wage!! She needs held accountable, fired from ALL Political ALLS, prosecuted, and!!!
That’s what happens when you try to inflate your employee’s worth artificially, businesses won’t have any of it
Good thing we don’t do lobotomies anymore. People used to be lobotomized for being Communist or gay, or both in the case of Frances Farmer. People aren’t mentally ill because they have different political opinions than you. Stop being a lazy Republican, and try backing up your negative opinions of liberals by educating yourself.
I would argue the same thing. Go educate yourselfor and shake that indoctrination
Oregon is a beautiful state to look at but not to live in because it is liberal , greedy state. Too bad for us residents,
Again, your Governor bites!
This woman has blood on her hands of Lavoy and she will be voted out soon,