Reality has intervened once again to thwart the schemes of utopian-minded liberals in that bastion of left-wing politics, Oregon.
Eager to do one better than California Governor Jerry Brown and Washington Governor Jay Inslee, Oregon Governor Kate Brown recently launched a push to increase the already-high minimum wage in the state even further. In fact, her plan would see Oregon go from being the state with the eighth highest minimum wage to the first.
Specifically, she seeks to raise it to $15.52 per hour in Portland and $13.50 throughout the remainder of the state. Brown of course is thoroughly convinced this is a great idea, but many others are not so sure.
Realizing that such a significant increase in wages would throw communities into disorder as they reel from it’s effects, Oregon citizens and officials on both the right and left have criticized Brown’s scheme. The governor desperately tried to defend the new $15.52 minimum wage to Oregonians, but they simply weren’t having it.
Find out what happened next on the following page:
raise the min wage, or let’s put our government and all their employees back to the minimum wage.
Oregon Needs New Leadership
She Betrayed the people of Oregon and the U.S. Constitution
I think you where trying to spell stupid
I hate this woman
You chicken$#%&!@*s scum of the earth don”t want to treat anybody decent give a help in any kind of way heartless, pieces, of no good for nothing, go to sleep and never wake up and the world would be a lot better to rid assholes like you worthless
A multinational systems of PI and Sacred Geometry math’s,Systems of each religions,mysticism,esoteric,occultism.Connected to Universities,Corporations,Religions,Governments,Medias etc..running a world wide no consent human experiment on all peoples.The results used for good for the doers and for bad for the receivers..The occult induction,indoctrination,coercion,force,fear,mind war,use of chemicals,violence,social engineering,mind control,brainwashing,contradiction,technology,medias.propaganda by military are easy to see,recognize,realize,and understand in all of it.The no real ownership,no equality,laws,economics,forced crimes and mental illness to destruction,all false flag wars,Theater of war,all of it connected back to PI,Sacred Geometry they call God as in God We Trust,Allah,Jesus,and all the others,With Obelisk in all nations and places in on it,in Washington DC the Washington Monument with each nation in on it with a stone the monument was built with.A slavery plantation spy police state death cult here and in many nations.Certain nations way advanced.Human blood sacrifices by wars,abortions,and more.The religions,governments,and all the rest based on the Astrology tree of life.Hermetic philosophy,Symbolism,Images,Likenesses,Idols,Baal,Babylon,and a mixture of other Religions,spiritualism,and more of all nations combined into it.Money as a God to pay for slavery,A living system of the old testament where the owners etc cause to force illiteracy,wars,mental illness,trauma,addiction,perversion,sins,law breaking,Then they punish,ruin,destroy,and murder the abused and neglected citizens by and for.Even convincing other citizens to spy,inform,all the way to killing the other citizens,Even getting them to police,spy,fight wars,do the mind control,brainwashing,and mind war,and much more..All governments,all religions,all universities,all corporations,banks etc are in on it and doing it,Evil human experiments of occultism science mixed,done in all nations long before$#%&!@*Germany..Still believe in all those Gods,Religions,so called pure sciences,politics,and all the rest?Then explain your slavery,no freewill,no free choice,all of the above,and more then..Sure there are partial truth,contradictions,emotional manipulation,two partial truths combined into a clever lie and deceit,and all of the above and then some..
At least the people know what happens !