‘Operation Save the Swamp’ in Full Swing as Mueller Expands Investigation Beyond Trump

Like a scene out of a movie where the champions are being chosen in the arena antechambers to face the terrible monster that lurks beyond the doors for an audience that is clearly rooting for the big, terrible, cruel and merciless monster, the Washington Establishmentariat is hunkered down doing the same.  They are choosing their “champions” to do battle with the jaw-dropping awesomeness of the Donald.

These champions are being chosen carefully.  Who have the biggest chips on their shoulders in regards to Trump, number one?  Secondly, who have the most amount of experience tearing down and destroying both the character and the reputation of someone with power?

The abilities of these champions must be utterly devastating to Trump, in that he can’t merely tweet his way out of trouble.  They need to someone completely separate Trump from his supporters so that both feel cut-off from a rescue.  They have to be able to so dismay the American people in support of Trump that there is this almost defeatist attitude in regard to Trump beating the odds.  The odds must appear to be insurmountable.  Once he loses his supporters, in their eyes, Trump himself will lose his vigor and stamina to fight on; he will simply give up, bow out of the presidency, and transition quickly back into his business empire.

While these are palatable ideas and plans to Operation Save the Swamp deviants, they couldn’t be more completely wrong.  First, as has been said many, many times, Trump’s supporters are going nowhere.  For these former Tea Party activists and grassroots (ACTUAL) Conservatives, this was the fight all along…clean up the corruption that permeates the swamp and stinks up the rest of the country.  And just like a little Mussolini under Hitler, the State governments have become mini-versions of the D.C. Swamp itself.  They have been given carte-blanche access to all the underhanded tools to rule with an iron fist over the constituency by the Swamp itself.  And the Swamp has given them its blessing.

For his part, Trump is not going away either.  He wakes up each and every day with the full intentions of slaying the swamp monsters.  And this is why he is supported and will continue to be supported by American people.

The Swamp is preparing its champions in an all-out assault on both the Donald and its cheering spectators (that’s you and me) and they are going to make sure that this assault lasts until our president finds taps out and relents.  Elizabeth Warren of the tribe of Massachusetts has proclaimed in her latest bid for relevance (and grammar-acceptance) that Trump “ain’t seen nasty yet!”  With John McCain announcing that Barack Hussein Obama was a better leader than Trump last week, we can see who is lining up on the side of the Establishmentariat.

Special Counsel Robert Mueller is the latest gladiator in the wings getting the tap on his breastplate to go out and slay the beast.  He was appointed by the Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein after Jeff Sessions recused himself.  Mueller happens to be a good friend of James Comey (no problems there for the Swamp, of course, as long as he’s not friendly to Trump, it’s all good!)  The investigation was supposed to revolve around the supposed collusion between Trump, his officials, and the Russians.  However, since Mueller has been installed, he has since bumped up that effort to include other investigations as well, including possible charges of obstruction of justice in regards to the firing of James Comey.  Additionally, they will be delving into the rest of the Cabinet’s dealings and all their associations.  This is the effort to ostracize Trump from his advisors.  Once they see that they, too, are under investigation, well then, all bets are off as far as draining the swamp.  They will be timidly and discreetly backing off from that motto and saying, “What, me?  Drain the Swamp?  Oh, no, no, no!  You’ve got the wrong guy.  It wasn’t me!”

Is the deck being stacked against President Trump? It’s beginning to look that way since a special counsel was appointed a few weeks ago to investigate possible ties between Trump—or any breathing body in his campaign last year—and the Russians.

At the very least, the president will be on defense for months to come. He will be under scrutiny or attack by special counsel Robert Mueller, Senate and House committees, mobs of protesters, and the elite media. All the while the sword of impeachment will be hanging over him.

…Already there are troubling signs. For openers, the history of such counsels—formerly known as special prosecutors—is not encouraging. Yet Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein reacted to the first bit of pressure—chiefly from Democrats—and appointed Mueller. And this without much evidence of a crime to justify it.

The problem is that special counsels tend to expand their investigations beyond any underlying crime (if there is one) and keep going until they find someone to indict. This is what Patrick Fitzgerald did during the second Bush administration, finally settling for a flimsy charge of perjury against Scooter Libby, Vice President Dick Cheney’s chief of staff. Fitzgerald declined to prosecute anyone for the supposed crime he was investigating, the outing of a CIA agent.

Mueller has already broadened the scope of his investigation to include whether Trump attempted to obstruct justice in his dealings with then-FBI director James Comey, Trump’s leading antagonist. Possible financial crimes by Trump associates are also to be examined, according to leaks by “officials.”

You’re probably out there wondering like most, “Why are the Republicans doing nothing about this?”  The answer, of course, is that they themselves are the evil turncoats who are waiting behind the trees.  Their silence speaks volumes about their hopeful intentions.  They will not speak on Trump’s behalf because they didn’t “choose” him to be in that position in the first place.  Their choice was Jeb Bush.  And if not Bush, then Hillary (with Kasich a distant third choice).  You saw it during the Primaries.  When Bush was in the race, lest we forget, he was 1000% committed to winning the nomination WITHOUT THE REPUBLICAN BASE.  Do you remember that?

Bush was under the very strong illusion (some would call it “delusion”) that he was an automatic shoe-in.  Much like Hillary on the Left, Bush was the transgender Hillary.  He was loaded down with campaign cash, had the backing of every single Establishmentariat out there, and he walked around like he was entitled to the Crown.  Heck, it would not have been a surprise if there was news that he had been given and accepted the questions of a debate ahead of time by someone from Fox News (Karl Rove or Meghan McCain).  When he had spent multi-millions in his efforts to drown Trump, throttling him with all his might, and the result was a single-digit interest in the polls, the die was cast.  After bowing out and, I’m sure, vowing to vote for Hillary, he joined the chorus of people on the Right who were already waiting in line to vote for her as well.

That now leads into this next series of investigations that will be expanded exponentially, way beyond their initial stated goals, until they can find someone – anyone – who can serve a sentence and, thereby, be the fall-guy for a mad goose chase for a phantom offender.  Special Mueller will not quit until he has found a scapegoat.  There is no doubt about it.  Someone must be found to be guilty.  That’s one of the ways that we justify this witch hunt for four years, because that’s how long this will go on.  Mark my words, this will still be going on when, and if, Trump runs for reelection.  If the Swamp can slow down Trump’s agenda for an entire four years where he has done precious little damage to their preferred Swamp structure, then they have triumphed.  They don’t care about Obama’s Legacy.  He does, but they don’t.  Remember that he has his own personal Department of Shadowy Endeavors (DSE) running separate and concurrent operations, all bent on destroying Donald J. Trump.

Mueller’s sterling character has eased concerns about the fact that he and Comey are longtime friends. But some of the investigators and advisers he’s hired have had the opposite effect. Paul Mirengoff, a Washington lawyer and contributor to the Power Line blog, looked into the political backgrounds of some of them and found a left-winger, donors to Hillary Clinton’s campaign, and a lawyer named Jeannie Rhee who “provided legal services for the Clinton Foundation.”

Rhee also donated $5,400 to Hillary Clinton’s campaign PAC. Mirengoff writes: “As bitter as the Clintonistas are about losing the election (or rather having it ‘stolen’ by the Russians), it seems unconscionable that Rhee would be on a team that will decide whether to prosecute President Trump at the end of a ‘Russian interference’ election.” Indeed, it does.

In politics, there’s a saying that no politician can survive a frisk. The Mueller probe hasn’t gotten to that point. But it appears to be headed in that direction.

On Capitol Hill, Republicans have unleashed seemingly endless hearings about possible collusion between Trump associates and Russians. The FBI has been investigating this since last summer and found no evidence. But Democrats are convinced acts of collusion will be found somewhere if they keep looking for them long enough. If Republicans balk, they’ll be accused of a coverup.

Nor has the media given up on the collusion narrative. In all those media stories about Jared Kushner, Trump’s son-in-law, the implication was he might be part of the plot. But what was cited as possible evidence were Kushner contacts with Russians after the election.

Now we see that Special Counsel Mueller is not only a good friend of James Comey, but he has also enlisted the assistance of Leftist activist lawyers whose sole purpose in life up until now has been the defeating of anything on the Right.  This is the reason why so many on the Right have already begun ruminating with the thoughts of a President Mike Pence and how that perhaps rolls off the tongue.  As Rush Limbaugh has put it, Pence is an affable guy.  He was a governor.  And, probably most importantly, he plays nice with the Swamp Establishmentariat.

Along with the Swamp and the Obama shadow government, we also have the severely corrupt journalism that follows around each and every “official” in the Swamp as a possible leaker.  And they’re not being disappointed.  When Rosenstein appointed Mueller, we were told that he was the man to stop the leaks.  Except, now it seems that the leaks have turned into a full-blown gusher.  The leaks have only increased.  Even Rosenstein having warned against the public trusting any news source that cavalierly uses “anonymous sources” seems to have done nothing to plumb this problem.

A writer for the Washington Post defended the paper’s coverage of Trump as unbalanced but fair. It’s Trump’s fault the coverage is wall-to-wall. He refuses to share the spotlight. But fair? The mainstream press, with a few exceptions, has long since abandoned fairness toward Trump. There’s even a new word for its anti-Trump posture. They’re “oppositional,” similar to Democrats and the left.

The impact of investigations, hearings, leaks, and a press corps eager for Trump’s ouster is pretty clear. They make impeachment more likely. That Trump is on defense (and should be) is on the daily news agenda.

There is a silver lining to all of this, despite all the negativity.  One of the most important lessons of the Obamacare efforts on the parts of the Democrats comes to play here as well.

In a sense, the Clinton perjury/Lewinsky/blue dress scandal and impeachment was the comeuppance of decades of Leftist push to investigate and attempts at impeachment of Republican presidents.  They tried to impeach Nixon (yes, Millennials, I said “tried” because, unlike what you’re taught in college, he was never actually impeached) and finally forced him to resign.  When he stepped down, they went after Ford for pardoning him.  When Reagan was in, they attempted impeachment of him before he had even served a full 100 days.  Sound familiar?  There were endless negative news stories about him and ultimately, they investigated him for everything from warmongering to arms trading.  Bush Senior was about as lovable to the Left as Alex Jones, but they only let up on him a little because they had convinced him to raise taxes.  That was the death knell for him of course.  And we all know what occurred with his son.

However, Clinton’s ills with the accompanying impeachment were a gotcha moment for nearly all of the above-mentioned reasons.  This brings us back to Obamacare.  Remember how Harry Reid in the Senate, having the majority and not squandering it, followed through with a procedural change he called the “nuclear option” which allowed the Democrats to force through the Unaffordable Care Act without a single Republican vote?  When that occurred, there was not a peep from the Democrats.  In fact, Nancy Pelosi was marching through the streets in triumph with an oversized Hanna-Barbera-inspired gavel, arm-in-arm with Congress members giving a big F-U to the American people who jeered at them.

Just a few months ago, despite a huge crybaby tantrum from the Left warning Republicans NOT to use the dreaded “nuclear option” to clear the way in the Supreme Court Justice Neal Gorsuch confirmation.  And, believe me, there was a really big part of me that thought, “They’re not gonna take advantage of this.  They’re gonna allow the Democrats to win again.”

Thankfully, they used the so-called “nuclear option” and Neal Gorsuch joined the Supreme Court.

This is a similar situation.  This unprecedented assault from the Left, the Right, and the Media (the Swamp, in essence) could lead to even more deadly circumstances in the future for Democrats.  If a Democrat regains the White House, and the majority of the House and Senate remain the same as they are now, you can bet that comeuppance will occur…way beyond Clinton/Lewinsky.

However, there is a flipside…unfortunately.

And that is, if this continues the way it’s currently heading, with race relations being thrown into the mix by Leftists, as well as these anti-First Amendment, anti-free speech, pro-segregation Democrats who are willing to do and say anything (By All Means Necessary) to stop the Conservative Right movement, there could be uncalculated response by a fed-up Right wing group or groups.  Bullies can only bully for so long before they are finally punched in the face and knocked down.  These Leftists who are carrying weapons to protests, tearing up businesses, neighborhoods, attacking and killing police, shooting Republican politicians, etc., etc., are only feeding a raging inferno that’s been building for years.

Like 9/11 and the resulting military response, these Leftists might just be poking a sleeping dragon.

Source:  The Weekly Standard

Image: Obama White House



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