Conspiracy theories on the true nature of Jade Helm 15 range from it being a preparation for martial law to an actual false flag event to an operation to kill the ‘red list’ (an assassination of ‘dangerous’ dissidents) and more.
While it’s obviously impossible to nail down exactly what will occur during this military exercise, which seeks to ‘Master The Human Domain’, we can take a precis of the various theories to try to extrapolate which might be closer to the truth.
As we get closer to the start of this unprecedented event, we will add more information on these various theories as they are forthcoming.
MOVE ON TO PAGE 2 – Prep For Martial Law:
Could we actually be witnessing the take down of good citizens while applauding the military’s efforts in keeping us “safe”? Jade Helm has an ominous message….we should take notice.
What better place to try to intimidate Americans probably the most heavily armed state with the most opposition too gun control I think when push comes to shove any order by our traitor of a president too attack Americans will be his radical Islamic downfall, Obama has the same God complex as did $#%&!@*, all tyrants fall by history Obama is the worst of the worst, his biggest fear is three hundred million guns in the hands of Americans probably the largest civilian armed force the world has ever seen, truth be told the only one’s intimated is Obama and his comrades, Obama wants a civil war he should be careful what he wants patriots will make the middle east look like low level war games!
So we are pretty sure the President doesn’t have much regard for the cons$#%&!@*ution (check), but do you actually believe tens of thousands of servicemen and women who swear an oath to protect and defend the same do$#%&!@*ent would be willing to simply throw it out?
YES!!! INDOCTRINATION has been going on for 6 years…
This has been well publicized. Wonder if it’s related?
Conspiracy wackjobs
Stop. This makes the credibility meter drop.
We are doomed. Emploding as we speak. Begin the selection of death squads
I wanna be on the list…
U.N colors