Alex Jones: This Is Only A Preparation Event For Martial Law
Alex Jones and is considered by most to be one of the top alternative media sites, second perhaps only to, and certainly the top site that examines conspiracy theories. Jones first broke the Jade Helm 15 operation back in March stating it was a federal move to invade Texas.
Since that time Infowars has taken a different position, recently stating that it was not a preparation for martial law like many fear, but stating with a lot of certainly “Jade Helm is NOT a martial law takeover but it does prepare the military for civil unrest here in America”
Infowars is now stating that Jade Helm is just ‘the beginning’ and the true nature is revealed in its motto “Mastering The Human Domain”:
A closer look at the upcoming Jade Helm military exercise, specifically its “master the human domain” motto, reveals a larger agenda in regards to domestic policy.
In current military terminology, the “human domain” or “human domain analytics” refers to the “global understanding of anything associated with people.”
Breaking down into four specific categories, mastery of the human domain results from obtaining total information awareness on a mass scale.
Who You Are – Collected information includes names, addresses, biometrics, social media accounts .
What You Do – Travel history, communications, financial transactions and movement of physical assets.
Who You Know – Relational information including family, friends, associates and organizations.
Context – Contextual data such as demographics, politics, cultural norms and religion.
Infowars now declares that the purpose of the drill is not the actual take over event but training for the take over. And, this particular drill is preparation to both ‘map out people’ geographically as well as fuse the military, intel agencies and local law enforcement.
The fact that this is a fusion of federal and local authorities is unmistakable, however, Infowar’s other stated purpose makes less sense.
David Knight and Rob Dew in the video above claims that this ‘mapping out of people’ is where they look at you very closely as an individual and map this out geographically.
Hasn’t this already been done? The NSA tracks every move of every American online and off. They know who and where the ‘domestic terrorists’ are via Internet activity and associated IP addresses. They also easily track patriots movements by their cell phone. We live in a complete surveillance state already finely mapped out.
Their point that this is some sort of determination of local resistance might have validity, but I would assume that if anyone wanted to subjugate an entire country of hundreds of millions armed to the teeth it would be done with some sort of false flag event that would widely eliminate resistance – it’s hard to argue with a nuclear or biological attack. Either of these would force compliance from local folk.
Whether or not this is a preparation for ‘the event’ or the actual event is not so easily determined. Why would a false flag not go down during this exercise after initial objectives have been accomplished? The massive buildup of military equipment and personnel is harrowing. With the American people seemingly becoming very aware of the threat, it would seem that they would need to go ahead and instigate their next phase.
One thing I fear is that is an ambush for our Special Forces. After locating out elite forces in specific locations and taking them out would not only weaken our military but demoralize the nation and enable the declaration of martial law.
i find it hard to believe that any of this is going on with the walmarts…..i mean, how could this go on without any questioning by local authorities or are they in on “it”?
Seems as the time comes and reality sets in that this is a military exercise, NOT a takeover, that they have to move the target, so they can’t be proven to be as WRONG as they are! “Infowars now declares that the purpose of the drill is not the actual take over event but training for the take over”
Look, I hate Obummer too, but the spread lies that make the right seem like wackos? NOt good!
The information gathering on during this drill would be necessary if it was
for Marshall law or something like that
from what i have heard is that they
are mapping all the rural areas with poor intell so they know where the resistance pockets are
but I doubt that it would be publicized so much people are going to resist any questioning on shuch a level as this is proposed to be
Amusing little minions this bunch
I am not so sure this is a practice.. the american dollar is supposed to fall in october.. this could be a gun grab or a effort to control the people when chaos breaks out
Ba ha ha love to visit the foil hat pages. This is nothing more than a training exercise….as many before it have been done….many that were MUCH larger than Jade Helm. So yall aint got enough real s**t to worry about that you have to make up more foil hat garbage? Hilarious. keep it up….its entertaining.