Operation Choke Point is an under-the-radar project by the Obama administration to shut down businesses that he and Eric Holder don’t like by cutting off their access to financing.
Of course, one industry that they target is the gun industry.
Calico Light Weapons Systems is one example of this fascist attack, who has had their credit card processing cut off because they have been accused of selling gun parts over the Internet.
Screw both of those idiots!!!!!
Screw you racist pigs
Ugly skank boy if that doesnt tell ya how ignorant they are nothing will
Choke on the fruit loops you cow
obama HATES Americans and America – the entire United States, the west, Jews, England, freedom, liberty, and all we stand for.
Watch Dinesh D’Souza’s obama’s America.
islam is the religion of oppression, murder, torture, atrocities on humanity, sex enslavement, rape, pedophilia, child molestation, lying and goat fuxxing.
You know the difference between a moderate moslem and a radical one? The radical moslem wants to chop your head off. The moderate moslem doesn’t want to chop your head off. He wants the radical one to do it.
The Three Stages Of jihad:
Summary pamphlet about jihad:
obama: “I will stand with the Muslims should the political winds shift in an ugly direction.”
He is using debt as a weapon of mass destruction to weaken America as a a global superpower, disarming our nuclear arsenal AND our entire military, to leave us broken, defenseless, impoverished and destroyed – The next third world country.
THAT is o-BOMB-a’s legacy to America.
He IS a FAILURE – malignant, malevolent and EVIL – and Congress MUST STOP HIM NOW.
Dear God can we please get red of this man before he destroys us completely
Afraid the people might fight back . I hope someone out there fixes his big mistakes he is getting more stupid as time goes by we the people own you so get over yourself already . Stop trying to be something your not !
Two Evil scum bags