Operation Choke Point is an under-the-radar project by the Obama administration to shut down businesses that he and Eric Holder don’t like by cutting off their access to financing.
Of course, one industry that they target is the gun industry.
Calico Light Weapons Systems is one example of this fascist attack, who has had their credit card processing cut off because they have been accused of selling gun parts over the Internet.
Obama being elected was the best thing for guns stores. They will be sorry to see him leave office lol
Both of them need to be in prison — they are traitors!!
Let’s kill this now and throw both traitors out of office.
Two little boys that think they are so smart when all they are is the DemoRat emblem
Pitiful man you people from Wisconsin voted for????
Obama why don’t you personally come over and get my guns !!!
I believe in the Second Amendment to keep and bear arms.
I have seen the Statement…he is crazy.>!
To hell with them. They just want to control us like the Communist and Hitler did in Germany.