We are just one week away from what could be the beginning of the second American revolution, the removal of many treasonous politicians in Washington, a bloodbath or some mixture thereof.
Operation American Spring is a march on Washington that will take place next week, May 16th 2014, for the removal of Obama, Pelosi, Holder and other politicians that have violated our Constitution, and for the restoration of our republic.
It headed by Harry Riley, COL, USA, Ret. who has called for 10 million Americans to march on the capital with at least one million staying there until the criminals in our government have been removed.
Col. Riley has stated that 1.2-1.8 have already been mobilized to go.
For more info:
Liberals hate it when Americans unite to stop this nonsense in Washington DC they fear their gravy train may end
I pray that everyone of the people going in to remove these people comes out without a scratch on them and that they have EVERY person that they were to get and that we in the next couple of weeks are able to get the vast majority of them and have the rest on a terrorist watch list and when found and done away with just like reid and pelosi. Cause these two and the others in the judicial and congressional branches and executive branches of all levels of gov. in every level of gov. must be dealt with right now. The one person and family that would have and even harsher punishment for their part in the fact finding part of their Arrest would be the odummers, clintons and bidenst and the next 10 people and their families and staff that would go into the White house. We need everything to be as absolutely clean as possible b4 going through and getting rid of EVERY law, bill ANYTHING that was against ANY part of the Constitution and the Bible and the Constitution is Bible based and Prayed into existence so it is God and Bible based. NO special protections for any group or laws of any kind for marriage to anyone other than A MAN and A WOMAN period. And that will go into any state on that. Anymore garbage that ethnic groups are trying to swindal and steal from Americans will be thrown out. So NO MORE handouts to the relatives of former slaves the time is far and away done. And if you want to get money for slavery then go back to Africa and other parts of the world but Africa 1st cause your own people gathered you up like a cash crop and sold your ancestors into slavery to those all around the world and whites have been slaves and I am sure there have been a lot of whites that were slaves to blacks.
The only ones that I would give any look at for a minute is the American Indian and they lost like in EVERY country in war, whatever shape it took and again unless it is recent like the last 100 years I am not going to give it much of a look cause those that it happened to are long dead. Tho I would look at eh treaties and have to balance it with what things are like today and would have to give a cash amount and call it quits. And then nothing more from any of those groups its time to move on. Heck we have limits to us. I feel the worst for the Indians I studied them more than any group growing up. But even in t heir culture you claimed land and other things by marriage and by WAR and the only way you got most of any of it back was by war. It is the way it has been for most of the life of the world.
you said the removel of the problem in D.C. then you mean the T party or the gop It was the republicans who before he even took office said they would stop him even if it hurt them self or the country The whole thing is that hes black and he got a republican idea through and made it law when they couldnt and they now want to call it Obama care It would be nice if we got all the dumeass gop and the t party out of D.C.
God be with all of you Col.Riley!
bring america back to where it was be fore obama screwed it up
Brush up your Eagles Col. Let the White House know who is in charge of this country, and we are tired of being pushed,lied too, and just plain viloations of the Constitution!! Pez Nixon,resigned with a clean pardon, but this bunch, has to meet their day in court.
Wish I could go !
Good an dont forget to get the Keys from Obama he may just sneak back in an by the Way it is about Time to get The White House Back Washington DC needs to clean House an so does Congress an the senate to Many forgot why they are there an have been lining there pockets so long at the cost of true Americans
This is awesome. I would love to be a part of this. God bless all of you people that are involved. Safe travel to all
Sad it has to be like this but, if we don’t do something, obama will make himself a king !!! AMERICA WILL BECOME A COMMUNIST COUNTRY….