We are just one week away from what could be the beginning of the second American revolution, the removal of many treasonous politicians in Washington, a bloodbath or some mixture thereof.
Operation American Spring is a march on Washington that will take place next week, May 16th 2014, for the removal of Obama, Pelosi, Holder and other politicians that have violated our Constitution, and for the restoration of our republic.
It headed by Harry Riley, COL, USA, Ret. who has called for 10 million Americans to march on the capital with at least one million staying there until the criminals in our government have been removed.
Col. Riley has stated that 1.2-1.8 have already been mobilized to go.
For more info:
May God Bless & Protect these HERO”S!
Gonna be like 10 ppl showing up
Can I get a ride?
God bless them!
Good luck. Go get them.
If I had a ride Id go
i am all for it
GOD be with us all.
To remain silent is to give your consent. Take back your consent! This country belongs to us, not them. There are 100 million of us and 100 Congressmen. Why are we still being ruled by England? Declaration of Independence Stands over the Repulic of States and the Confederate Flag still waves. Let Freedom Ring From Every Mountain Side!
I wish I had the money to get there. Please God send me some so I can go…
Yes remove all those losers