In case you missed it, here is the opening of Operation American Spring with Col. Harry Riley (ret.)
Col. Riley made it clear this isn’t a coup. The operation is to peacefully remove all politicians who have usurped our Constitution.
Americans will be remaining on-premises until the treasonous politicians are removed.
Listen to this great speech by Col. Riley.
Now, if everyone there just calls up 500,000 of their closest friends, they might make the 10 million (low end) that they said would be showing up…
How many are there?
Every site I’ve tried to look at pics and vids, tried to give me a virus
Not trying to be a dick but it looks like there is only a few hundred people there at most and second we all know deep down this $#%&!@* is not gonna work lol. Millionaires arent gonna resign because of a peaceful protest hnless there is hundreds of thousands of people there or even a million
At least these people are trying to do something about the turn our country has taken and it is NOT a good turn. If I could I would be there with them. Someone has to take a stand for America and it’s constitution!
so far have not seen anything about this on any channels
Love what you all are doing. God bless you all and God keep you safe.
The corrupt media didn’t cover it did They Obama told the not to this is a bad country to live in at this time we the people are letting the government destroy it
This is very inspiring. Thank you.