In case you missed it, here is the opening of Operation American Spring with Col. Harry Riley (ret.)
Col. Riley made it clear this isn’t a coup. The operation is to peacefully remove all politicians who have usurped our Constitution.
Americans will be remaining on-premises until the treasonous politicians are removed.
Listen to this great speech by Col. Riley.
the amazing thing about this rally is that the right wingers who bought the “10 million” person thing will keep listening to the nut who planned it, the nuts who support it and keep buying the lies. How dumb are you people RGO
Robert you are truly one arrogant non American person that has let the govt take over, you must be on obamas plantation sucking off the govt teat. Probably just another low life wimp.
Not to worry, Robert will be wide awake when they’re raping his little shechild.
How long before Obama declares martial law, and sends in the tanks and troops with orders to open fire?
He only needs to send out an excited $#%&!@*er spaniel to scare off all you wet faketriots.
keep drinking the cool ade robert
henry, your a dope, have a picnic with robert
A peaceful protest is great as an attempt to awaken the American people, but I don’t understand how they hope to make anyone in DC resign their offices. With the lack of coverage by MSM it’s not going to reach very many.
Col. Harry Riley you should be a politician you are a honest person
We the people need to drag the pigs in suits by the hair kicking and screaming into the light of day to face all the lies and criminal acts these professional rats have brought upon this once proud country.
Spread the word that’s how the masses hear the word . If we must we will stand on the roof tops so the masses can hear !!!!!!!!
God bless the people who are trying. players are with you.
I cannot get the video to play.
Has anyone else been able to ??
Facebook won’t show anything that is good for the people, they are obama backers just like most of the media.