In case you missed it, here is the opening of Operation American Spring with Col. Harry Riley (ret.)
Col. Riley made it clear this isn’t a coup. The operation is to peacefully remove all politicians who have usurped our Constitution.
Americans will be remaining on-premises until the treasonous politicians are removed.
Listen to this great speech by Col. Riley.
Obama’s in New York! He’s not even there. How is the rally going, doesn’t seem to be all that effective…..yet I hope!
Down with the Zionist Lobby, the major wrong doer in the world.
Hey McVicker, you’re an idiot. We don’t need one person. Together, we need to make a UNIFIED voice.
Don’t not vote, just vote for the least career politician. Someone who has had a struggle. WE take over.
MSNBC covered it quite a bit. Of course, people might take you more seriously as “patriots” if you actually knew the lyrics to the national anthem.
The message=WAKE UP DUMMIES! I speak God’s protection over Each and every person there and those who will be coming. They were blocked by heavy rains in some areas. Pray for them..
Ann Whealton- What does this group have to do with the Tea Party?
Because asking corrupt politicians to step down always works.
Get them out
God Bless y’all stand. Yes. Restore America to God.
“Hey, Look Moochell, those people want us to resign!” ” Well, if they want us to resign, then I guess we should do it, Barry!” …..Wake up and smell the coffee, people!