In case you missed it, here is the opening of Operation American Spring with Col. Harry Riley (ret.)
Col. Riley made it clear this isn’t a coup. The operation is to peacefully remove all politicians who have usurped our Constitution.
Americans will be remaining on-premises until the treasonous politicians are removed.
Listen to this great speech by Col. Riley.
Matthew, Ballot Box, OVOMIT uses FRAUD, guess you know that & he has all the COMMUNIST here to help him!!!! Chattanooga is full of COMMUNIST.
we need another j.e.hoover that keep commies for the most part out of the country. like to send the socialist, commies, and maxas back to germany, russia, chain then send the muslums and people like them back to the mid east
History shows nothing is ever changed without weapons
go get Col.
History is full of miracles where God intervened and weapons were not necessary.
Nice if i could get the video to play.. Free speech my ass. Also i wonder if any of it will even make the news. Such an anti-america it makes me sick and really f****** mad!
Its funny how big media refuses to even mention this is happening right now or are acting like its only a few people.
I was there and nobody else showed up. Keep fighting for truth. Thank god we can find truth in fox news, the only network to show the truth. Just joking, wankers. Get a life!
Where’s Fox news.
So the Tea Party, which isn’t even popular among Republicans, who aren’t popular among Americans in general with over 300 protestors only showed up in DC. too much delusional paranoids…..move on forward. We do believe in constitution and our rights as real Americans.