In case you missed it, here is the opening of Operation American Spring with Col. Harry Riley (ret.)
Col. Riley made it clear this isn’t a coup. The operation is to peacefully remove all politicians who have usurped our Constitution.
Americans will be remaining on-premises until the treasonous politicians are removed.
Listen to this great speech by Col. Riley.
Bless them all ……… yes, in order for America to survivie, the current administration has to be dissolved!
Where was the Main Stream Media on this???
American Spring, do your homework and listen to Glen Becks advice on this. It is very dangerous as it gives the gustapo a reason to kill you.
This Administration doesn’t need a reason to kill Americans, they proved that by killing 40 vets just recently!!!! And all the unborn they have killed!!!!
Liberty or death.
Making sure they did not show anyone like it did not happen!
I hope it will last………….
Today is the 1st day, a week day and most ppl had to work; now the weekend and I think a lot more will get there for tomorrow! Most people would love to be there but are out of work or part time work and just can’t afford it which is what the Gov’t wants and they won’t rest until you can’t afford to “change your mind” on anything! My prayers are with these folks and I am with them in spirit hoping they get what WE THE PEOPLE all want…O’Hitler and his Thugs outta there! Godspeed Col.~
Some 15 years ago I got to visit Egypt and it was a safe and peaceful vacation…maybe someday again?…Lets get it started!
LOL nuts. RGO
Take a shot. I am sure a whole lot of real will happen soon after. Fallowed by a whole lot more running for there lives. I am sure they will protest and as long as they clean up after themselves it will be OK.