In case you missed it, here is the opening of Operation American Spring with Col. Harry Riley (ret.)
Col. Riley made it clear this isn’t a coup. The operation is to peacefully remove all politicians who have usurped our Constitution.
Americans will be remaining on-premises until the treasonous politicians are removed.
Listen to this great speech by Col. Riley.
This protest is about as worrisome to the government as a box of mewing kittens! It’s a step in the right direction though. Col. Riley stated up front that this isn’t a coup. Well folks, it should be! Votes haven’t worked, protests haven’t worked and petitions haven’t worked. Our government is ignoring the law and the voices of it’s citizens and nothing is going to make a difference until the people rise up and take this country back by force! I’m not talking coup here either! I’m talking the restoration of the legitimate government under the Constitution and Bill of Rights.
That was pretty funny,there were supposed to be 10,000 or more showing up,instead a couple hundred. Too much time on their hands!
So the destruction of our republic is funny to you?
Only in your delusional mind, buttercup.
Don’t blame Dad for these remarks ,I don’t have Internet on my I-Pad today? So, I”m using his,where there is a will,there is a way!
What is all this peacefully $#%&!@*?
Never saw or heard anything on the news.
Shirley, the government run media in this country isn’t gonna run this story, are you crazy??? They tell the media what they can broadcast, and a march on the capital about how much of a treasonous bastard obummer is something they don’t want getting out….
Go, Col Riley !!
hope thay get removed. but all protesters prob b imprisond. thanx 4 standing up america…
The freaking guilty parties will twist it up some way, just saying?