In case you missed it, here is the opening of Operation American Spring with Col. Harry Riley (ret.)
Col. Riley made it clear this isn’t a coup. The operation is to peacefully remove all politicians who have usurped our Constitution.
Americans will be remaining on-premises until the treasonous politicians are removed.
Listen to this great speech by Col. Riley.
I might be able to get behind it if they called it anything else.
We dont need sissys!!! Only men for this one,we will just p**s in tour hat!
Nothing on tv about it & Facebook on my kindle fire won’t let me see it!
Obama doesn’t need to declare martial law or send in the troops, a leaf blower will do to get rid of this lightweight crowd . . . LOL . . . bunch of losers!
Edward, I have yet to hear about a damn that just suddenly burst. They all start the same way. A little trickle here, a little there. Then, they get a little bigger until it just can’t hold back the water anymore. We (the People) just don’t need to give the government any reason to declare Martial Law. Came close in Nevada. That’s not over with either.
*Dam – you know, those things that beavers build.
No comment necessary, your ignorance is showing.
Edward, down through history and to this very day it has always been just a handful of men who did the fighting, just a mere trickle population wise. And these few men are the ones who won the freedoms (well once anyway) that the populations now enjoy. It’s always a handful of men who spill their blood for the rest of the wimps, yes wimps.
Edward…sickning, milquetoast like you disgust me…Fools whp rejoice in the destruction , of freedom and the Constitution..Who revel in the stebacks of the brave few who are willing to stand up and fight Tyranny…Idiot troll..there are far too many o9f you and far too few people who showed up in DC today…You thoroughly dist complete fool.
This is a sad moment for Americans. Either people are too poor to travel or they are so asleep they just don’t care.
It is neither sad, nor are people just too poor to travel. This event was never widely disseminated through the alternative media, conservative or liberal…and of course not through the MSM. That is the fault of the organizers. I didn’t hear about it until two days ago. Other commenters in other alt. media say this has been announced as much as a year ago. Well, if that is so…then they did a really poor job announcing it from all the people I am now seeing also haven’t heard of it and by how few are showing up so far. I read in many conservative and liberal alt. media and blogs…as well as the MSM. Sorry organizational skills is their problem. If it can sustain itself even a few days, more and more people may come to their support, but as it looks now it is too little, too late. And the prediction that the bikers and/or truckers will return in their previous numbers remains to be seen, but I doubt it. This one event, poorly organized and led can do as much damage to our ability to overcome the anti-constitutionalists as anything else. If it doesn’t come off as anything close to what was predicted…it will be a discouragement to any further efforts. If you are gonna do something…do it right. Plan it, organize, organize, organize, promote, promote, promote and then conduct it. What was planned is unprecedented in history and required a lot more planning and effort than what I have seen or read about the last two days. Looks like a huge lack of understanding at how to promote it and get the word out since so few people seemed to know about it until just before it is to happen. There are many questions to be asked as how they thought they could sustain such huge numbers of people in the capital for months if necessary. Water, food, sanitation, protection from the elements, etc, etc, etc. You won’t find the support needed in the overwhelmingly liberal bastion that populates the city of Washington DC. Poorly planned, organized and promoted. Even if you could get the turnout you wanted. 3, 5, 10, 15 million people standing around yelling USA, USA, USA or impeach Obama, impeach Obama just don’t cut it.
Obama supporters r the real losers
all peoples opinions should matter fool
at least they r standing for something.
Tom Quinion….I agree at least they are doing what they can…..God bless the USA
to call them losers u must be happy with the way govt has been fcking us ?????
Good luck and God give you success.