Since the ruling in Ferguson, Missouri, regarding Michael Brown and the officer involved in the case, law enforcement across the country have not only become the victims of constant media criticism, every morning they put on that uniform, they fear for their lives.
And, they’re right to do so. As Sheriff Mike Lewis from Wicomico County, MD put it, “Everybody’s scared to death to their job.”
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i think if i was scared to go to work , i would get a different job ., and not feel scared . . sounds easy to me ???
This is what Obama wants in order to declare martial law.
Good they should be scared
Domestic $#%&!@*ault 08/07/2015 By Mary Seekford Chief Magistrate of the Municipal Court 232 N. Queen St. Martinsburg Berkeley County West Virginia
On Friday the seventh the police responded to my apartment for a loud music complaint and I turned the music down like the officer requested. This was during my wife’s {Mary Seekford } lunch break that she was on with her friend. Towards the end of it after the officer left I went to go to talk with my wife about the call. And ask her to take me to the hospital for the numbness in my left arm. Officer Parks of the Martinsburg City Police was on his bike. When I went out of the building and I told him my intentions. And proceeded to the court Officer Parks p$#%&!@*ed me on his bike . I had stopped at Dollys Bake shop and picked up cookies for my wife and on continued to the court on entering seen a city worker head up the elevator and told him I was going to look for other AA meetings and needed to tell my wife. Mary Seekford Chief Magistrate of the Municipal Court Martinsburg Berkeley County West Virginia. Who appeared with Officer Parks yelling at me saying she told me not to come to her work. When she never told me that but I was not going to argue with her . I calmly told her I wanted to talk about going to the hospital and was going to look for another AA meeting place and gave her the cookies . And turned to walk away . And she said I should throw these at you and then I felt them hit me in the back. I turned and said I love you and continued to leave the building out the back. This after her lunch break around 1:00 To 2:00 p.m. not sure of the exact time . When she came home I again told her I needed to go to the hospital. And she drove me and told me if I tried to charge her for domestic $#%&!@*ault that she would bond out. And promised me I would not be able to do that again . So when I went in the hospital I told them of my chest pains and numbness in my arm. And they proceeded to hook me up and admit me they put me in a room . And started with exrays n blood work I was texting my wife at this time about it. And heard my name on the scanner numerous times during this. When the doctor came in he said they were not worried about the numbness it was just a pinched nerve. They were more concerned about what almost killed me! I asked him when I could go and he said they were waiting on the test to come back. Then he left and a male nurse came in And I asked him and he said it was out of my hands and I could not sign myself out till I made up with my wife. I told him she was coming to get me and he said he would go to see if the tests were back yet. And let me know if I could sign myself out. He came back a short time later with paper work for me and said it is against our decision but you can sign yourself out since your wife is coming to get you. When Mary picked me up she took me to Walgreens for my meds . While I was getting them filled she sat in the car. On our way home she said again that if you would of tried to have me charged I would of bonded out . And made sure you could never do that again. Then she stated that she could kill me and that would be one body that would never be found. And that I knew they were on her side and Berkeley County would never investigate my disappearence. And I agreed.
The domestic $#%&!@*ault took place at the Municipal Court House 232 N. Queen Street Martinsburg Berkeley County West Virginia . And with officer Parks a Police Officer witnessing the domestic $#%&!@*ault and not doing anything. What was I to believe ? It clearly indicated everything she told me was true!
As for the time of the domestic $#%&!@*ault that Officer Parks witnessed it was after he responded to my apartment for a loud music call. That had been placed on me. And officer Parks was still outside the building. I was not looking at a clock just wanted to go to the hospital and needed my wife to take me.
Which she attacked me when I went to ask .
I called Dr. Miller today and asked to set up a follow up and the lady said they already have my records and insurance information. And went on to say that the LATERAL is back pain and recent increased stress in at home the domestic violence on the paper work. And they set me up a appointment with Dr. Miller for 09/08/2015 at 9:45 a.m. And I now have problems handling stress possibly PTSD from her control and abuse which I was never Diagnosed with before . And she filed for a divorce today she said but since she is my main source of income . And caused me additional health issues I need legal representation for this divorce. And should file suit against the City Of Martinsburg for this but they did not do it she did on the clock as a judge! And since it was a domestic my medicare would not cover it and I got a bill for $1,001.00 for it and I am disabled so I want spousal support because the city did not commit this domestic $#%&!@*ault or cause me to have problems handling stress what ever that maybe. Will find out at my follow up
Perhaps cops should allow and encourage all regular Americans to step of as an armed citizen army to help protect and serve. Especially returning military.
Understand. The Police need to go on strike Nationwide. Let the Militia’s take over.
YEP Ben Moliere you think like them exactly ! Your one of them !
good they asked for what they are getting every lil bit of it.