An aide to Eric Holder was looking for new ways to spin some revelations in the IRS scandal…so he accidentally calls the very office who is investigating the scandal…the office of Darrell Issa.
Supposedly the aide, Brian Fallon, was notably shaken when he realized the mistake.
Click to read the full story:
Holder Aide Accidently Seeks Advice To Twist The Truth From Investigators
Brian Fallon, former senior aide to Sen. Chuck Schumer, was “audibly shaken” when he realized that his request to leak documents to stay ahead of news about them was mistakenly made to the very office he was seeking to undermine.
The request was made to a staff member at Darrell Issa’s office, who is investigating the IRS scandal.
Fallon asked if documents could be released to “selected reporters” to give Fallon an “opportunity to comment publicly on it,” obviously to spin the truth.
Sometimes governmental stupidity actually serves people….and can be quite funny.
Fallon explained to Issa aides that the Justice Department’s Office of Legislative Affairs had not permitted him to release the documents to the public and he wanted to get ahead of the story “before the Majority” – meaning Issa – could share it, according to the letter.
Issa aides – who had placed the call on speakerphone – were “caught off guard by the unusual nature of the call and the odd request” and asked Fallon to “e-mail the material for evaluation.”
“At this point,” Fallon “abruptly placed the call on hold for approximately three minutes.” When Fallon returned to the call, “he was audibly shaken. He immediately stated that there was a ‘change in plans’ and that there would be no effort” by DOJ to release the material early.
Fallon “proceeded to pitch the idea that the Department and the Committee should ‘help one another’ while simultaneously saying that ‘you need to say what you need to say.’”
In the letter, Issa told Holder the phone call suggests ongoing coordination between DOJ aides and Cummings’ staff to undermine oversight committee investigations.
Fallon’s “efforts to prejudice the Committee’s oversight work demands examination,” Issa wrote.
Fallon, however, said in a written statement that nothing untoward occurred.
“There is nothing inappropriate about department staff having conversations with both the majority and minority staff as they prepare responses to formal inquiries. That includes conversations between the spokespeople for the Department and the committee,” Fallon said.
Other than confirming he made the phone call in question, Fallon did not respond to any of the details of what took place during the call.
When you lie, steal & cheat… God has a way of bringing it out into the light so all can see it. Now, this administration should have come unraveled long ago, I hope this helps it along.
But with the liberal media, I doubt it’ll make any news.
These are the types of things that happen when you set out to deceive
w4shep says:
“Who and when are authorities going to start arresting all of these lawbreakers in this administration, Congress, and the federal agencies? The president breaks the law – nothing happens, Holder breaks the law – nothing happens, half of Congress breaks the law – nothing. Why are they not arrested, read their rights and sent to trial like everyone else?
Since when the has the president and Congress been able to pick and choose which laws they want to obey? What happened to equal justice for all? It makes me sick to watch this administration, Federal agencies, and Congress destroy the Constitution and the laws of this nation. And Republicans are no better because they are allowing it to happen.
Mr. Issa, when someone breaks the law arrest them. Send them to trial. Let a jury of their peers decide their fate. Enough with these committees and dancing around the constant lawbreaking. And how about we make them pay for their own lawyers. I don’t think the taxpayers should be on the hook whenever some politician or fed breaks the law. If they have to pay exorbitant lawyer fees like the rest of us I think that might tone down some of their criminal behavior – it’s called a deterrent.”
Who and when are authorities going to start arresting all of these lawbreakers in this administration, Congress, and the federal agencies? The president breaks the law – nothing happens, Holder breaks the law – nothing happens, half of Congress breaks the law – nothing. Why are they not arrested, read their rights and sent to trial like everyone else?
Since when the has the president and Congress been able to pick and choose which laws they want to obey? What happened to equal justice for all? It makes me sick to watch this administration, Federal agencies, and Congress destroy the Constitution and the laws of this nation. And Republicans are no better because they are allowing it to happen.
Mr. Issa, when someone breaks the law arrest them. Send them to trial. Let a jury of their peers decide their fate. Enough with these committees and dancing around the constant lawbreaking. And how about we make them pay for their own lawyers. I don’t think the taxpayers should be on the hook whenever some politician or fed breaks the law. If they have to pay exorbitant lawyer fees like the rest of us I think that might tone down some of their criminal behavior – it’s called a deterrent.
They need to go to Jail!!!
This has to stop..damn…put holder in jail!
Oops is right.
Are the laws only for us and the Republicans? Clearly the Democrats think they are UNTOUCHABLE.