Hillary Clinton does not play by the same set of rules that just about every single other American must.
She feels — and not surprisingly so — that she is above the law.
Scandal after scandal has plagued Hillary and former President Bill Clinton for decades, yet neither of them have faced any legal repurcusions.
Even after the Whitewater scandal and the supposed suicide of White House counsel Vince Foster, when Hillary stonewalled investigators and hid evidence, she remained untouched. In regard to her current legal woes, Obama’s Justice Department has protected her every step of the way, refusing to respond to Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) requests to disclose the progress of the email/server investigation.
Other than the Obama administration, Hillary’s biggest protector remains the mainstream media. Sure, they don’t fawn over her the same way they do Barack Obama, but she wants to protect his legacy, therefore they protect her.
Last month marked one year since the release of Peter Schweizer’s book, Clinton Cash. And over one year later, the mainstream media has failed to ask Mrs. Clinton about her shady deal to approve the sale of a Uranium mining company — with half of the United States’ reserves — to the Russians. To read more about the deal itself and the silence of the mainstream media, continue reading on the next page:
KILLARY needs to be in jail and so does Slick Willy
Hillary actually BEATS Obama for being LAWLESS!!
Liberal Democrats have lost touch with reality. #NEVERVOTEDEMOCRAT!
She does not play by any rules but her own which if it was you or me, we would have already been in prison for at least 10 – 15 years, with no possibility of parole.
this is treason for doing deals with communist Russia for vital resource….this good for nothing person is just like obama …she will sell out America for money …treasonist white trash that is all she is
Short poem you won’t forget
Do you recall the President referring to the Benghazi incident as “a bump in the road?”
Today I heard an ex-Navy Seal being interviewed on Fox News regarding a book he has written about how to handle crisis situations in our lives.
At the end of the interview he asked if he could make a comment on Benghazi and, of course, the anchor said “yes.” He then thanked Fox News for keeping the Benghazi story in the news, since other news organizations are not.
He said the Seals who died deserve the public knowing the truth about the whole affair.
The poem was written by an anonymous Marine Corps officer:
We’re the battling boys of Benghazi, No fame, no glory, no paparazzi.
Just a fiery death in a blazing hell, defending our country we loved so well.
It wasn’t our job, but we answered the call, Fought to the Consulate and scaled the wall.
We pulled twenty countrymen from the jaws of fate, led them to safety and stood at the gate.
Just the two of us and foes by the score, but we stood fast to bar the door.
Three calls for reinforcement, but all were denied, so we fought and we fought and we fought ’til we died.
We gave our all for our Uncle Sam, but Barack and Hillary didn’t give a damn.
Just two dead Seals who carried the load, No thanks to us…we were just “Bumps in the Road”.
So, will this reach every American with a computer?
Or do we act like the press and give a pass to the people who literally sat there in the White House and watched the Seals’ execution on live streaming video and did absolutely nothing?
“What difference does it make?”
From: The Lying$#%&!@*of Benghazi
And she wants to be the next President! — with The Emperor Palpatine.
I thought Bill did that not Hillary??!!!!
#TrumpLovesWomen! OnlyTrump… for President! S.E. Michigander YES I Campaign/Volunteering and a Delegate for TRUMP, President of the United States of America 2016!!
I can’t believe she could be the next POTUS. GOD FORBID
I don’t understand her. Traitor, liar,thief and ugly