According to a newly leaked document, almost one-third of the veterans waiting to receive health care through the VA have already died.
Past VA whistleblower Scott Davis, who is a program specialist at the Dept. of Veterans Affairs in Atlanta, provided a April 2015 report showing that more than 238,000 of the 847,000 veterans in the pending backlog died before they receiving the help they applied for.
And most of us won’t go there.
my brother and friend are going though this wait forever or die.
Unbelievable..this is how we treat are brave men and women for their service
totally outrageous that the illegal immigrants get better care and stuff than our veterans
This should be a m$#%&!@*ive joint lawsuit against the obuma administration, and all those affiliated!
And congress does nothing…..
In my opinion that is what they are hoping for.
And you wanted the US government to handle your health care??? Ya right! So tell me how did that turn out for all you IDIOTS WHO VOTED FOR OBAMA AND HIS CARE FOR AMERICANS!!! Jokes on all you!
Shut it down!!!
Hey folks, welcome to Obamacare.