President Obama has successfully conned the American public on a number of things, none more egregiously than the American economy and labor rates. His solution for the great recession that began at the start of his first term was to spend massive amounts of borrowed money on what he called “shovel ready jobs.”
It turns out that most of the money went to short term union jobs, and although unemployment is now reported to be at about 5% nationally, many experts are saying that the real rate is perhaps at 10% to 15%. The difference is ascribed to the huge number of people who have given up and are no longer in the labor force and therefore not counted, and the number of people who are working only part time or at low income jobs below their skill level.
This is not the America we have come to expect, and the Obama administration’s blatant antagonism towards business has worsened the problem considerably. These economic facts do not exist in a vacuum, and it is clear that American households are suffering as well. New economic research shows some dire consequences of Obama’s mismanagement of the economy, and a “cool” explanation from Obama is not going to change the economic reality that U.S. families are now suffering.
See page 2 for household income analyisis:
Well I would not even go and asked for assistance, then I believe that I would take it from someone who needs it more then we do. But do jobs, that bring in some money, even if it means scrubbing toilets, it is a job.
Yet the goody two shoes do gooders, give help and money and whatever to the Refugees that , really pisses me off. Also the churches, everyone one of them, but yet they do not see the need in front of them, guess helping here does not get them in the media enough, and get money from government?
This is true – I know because I’m part of that statistic. Thanks Obama!
Obama sucks
Don’t be fooled again, sad to see so many people going with out, and struggling day to day,
They can just move back in with their parents, who didn’t raise their kids right, else they would have finished college, secured good jobs, and would be earning enough in income to take care of themselves. Don’t expect me tp pay for your mistakes. You can always take on a 2nd job and stop doing drugs, and go back to school part-time.
Young Americans are living at home with mom and dad, with no jobs using mom or dads car, if they are lucky,
Mind blowing isn
Also hold congress and supreme court accountable for sticking their heads up their butts, and not doing there jobs.