President Obama has successfully conned the American public on a number of things, none more egregiously than the American economy and labor rates. His solution for the great recession that began at the start of his first term was to spend massive amounts of borrowed money on what he called “shovel ready jobs.”
It turns out that most of the money went to short term union jobs, and although unemployment is now reported to be at about 5% nationally, many experts are saying that the real rate is perhaps at 10% to 15%. The difference is ascribed to the huge number of people who have given up and are no longer in the labor force and therefore not counted, and the number of people who are working only part time or at low income jobs below their skill level.
This is not the America we have come to expect, and the Obama administration’s blatant antagonism towards business has worsened the problem considerably. These economic facts do not exist in a vacuum, and it is clear that American households are suffering as well. New economic research shows some dire consequences of Obama’s mismanagement of the economy, and a “cool” explanation from Obama is not going to change the economic reality that U.S. families are now suffering.
See page 2 for household income analyisis:
**–** Saving America from our very own traitors from within, will be a daunting task, will require the support of ” Every American Who Says He Loves His Country ” to uproot our Greedy, Power Hungry Corrupt Carrier Politician, they are buried in deep holes & they know their days are numbered ! ! Will fight like Hell, they want life long salary, benefits and licence to Rob and Steal the country’s wealth ! ! ***********************************************************************************Our Very Own Refugees are living in poverty, yet No one has the Guts to address the issues, its none other than our own US Senior Citizens living on $11,000 to $12,000 and after paying for Medicare, Supplemental, Drug coverage, Dental & Eye Glass and $50 for Burial coverage ( That don’t even cover the Burial cost ) are left with $6500 to 6800, if you havppen to own a home then get hit by Property Tax $ 3000 to 8,000 or $9,000 based on what State you live in ! ! ************************************************************************************What a Shame on you America. ” The Greatest Nation ” We spend Billion’s looking for Life on other Planets, but fail Miserably to take care of our Very Own Senior Citizens and Vets, you decide ! ! Its time to get ” Mad and Rise to get United to Take Back our Country ” We are loosing our rights to survive ! !
BLAME OUR CURRENT GOV… Obama takes multi million dollar vacations all the time! he sends money to countries that hate us!! we should take care of our own first… this liberal president won’t…. don’t blame Citizens, blame the Gov..
But its govt. Can afford taking in thousands of muslims radical
Saving America from the traitors from within power will be a daunting task, will require the support of Every American Who Says He Loves His Country to uproot our very own Greedy, Power Hungry Corrupt Carrier Politician, they are buried in deep holes & they know their days are numbered ! ! Will fight like Hell ! !
Save the SS benefits for the future generations of Americans. Lets not ignore our Senior US citizens and Vets living in poverty. Our Government’s waste is finally causing the Greatest debt. **–** It took our nation 216 years to rack up the first $8.5 trillion in debt… then just 8 more years to 19 Trillion and if we were to pay back our debt, then right now each of us owe $16,000 this very minute, that not going to happen, soon to be 21 Trillion ! ! **–** Every day we are increasing our country debt by 2.4 Billion daily. **************************************************************************–** Obama, can’t live on $450,000 retirement with all Free Benefits, security, a wife and two kids. Obama feel the country owes him 18% COLA raise. But does not feel the US Senior Citizens and Vets living in poverty getting No free Benefits, only getting $11,000 to 12,000 and still have to pay for Medicare $105, supplemental Ins. $115, Drug plan $35, Burial $50 ( that don’t even cover for the burial ), eye glass and dental are left with $6500 to 7,000. I have not told you about the $20 co-pay each time you see a Greedy Doctor, co-pay for the drug that we still have to pay. If they own their homes and its all payed by now, get kicked by Property tax, in some cases higher than our SS benefits. No wonder, they say you never ever get to own your home in America. ************************************************************************—***— That’s right, the man that rigged the COLA so that retired US Citizens and Vets have not gotten a crummy 1.3% raise in 3 of the last 6 years has decided that due to the ever increasing price of things, He and his Millionaire Family need an 18% increase in their retirement package after he leaves office. –**– Rep. Walter Jones, a North Carolina Republican, is leading a crusade to stop federal employees from watching and downloading porn on government equipment while at work. Yet they want a 6% raise for not working and watching Porno movies !
Light of Truth Is Stronger than the Darkness of Terror
Rising Tide Lifts All. We will cross the next Bridge when we get to it, together as united America ! !
We have the Very Best Talented Team of Experts on hand to help Lead our President, with All The Jewels in the Crown ! ! We are making every effort to unite our party in the process. Please vote for the only true conservative candidate, Ted Cruz for President 2016.
American Patriotic Party, the party of Patriotic Americans, willing to serve America to protect it.
Its so easy to lie and criticize a Good sincere candidate but very hard to digest the truth, most will choke on it ! !
Obummer has greatly increased the number of American’s living in poverty! It is shameful what he has done to this nation on many fronts!
So who’s getting food stamps and everything else that goes with it?
But we give Trillions of dollars to country’s that want to destroy us. How does this make any sense. You cannot take care of others if you cant take care of yourself first!!!
Oh but we can afford all these freeloaders
Not all the people can get these things only ones the evil ones allow. Believe me..