America is the great destabilizer in the Middle East and not ISIS, says Oliver Stone and he thinks he can prove it. In Stone’s ten part documentary, The Untold History of the United States, he wraps up by focusing on our involvement in the Middle East. On page 2, one will find a trailer of the series.
F**k you$#%&!@*
Black$#%&!@* Fucking ape.
9/10 Americans and politicians were in favor of this war, including Democrats. When you wipe your mouth and pull thier zipper back up you should recall that fact.
Because popular opinion makes an action correct, right? Don’t see many conservatives against any war in fact, so I’m not sure what kind of point you’re hoping to argue. Glad we could have an intelligent, adult conversation.
I hope you do not live and take advantage of the benefits America bestows on its citizens. You probably never heard of$#%&!@* Saddam Hussein, Castro, Chavez. Go learn history and move to North Korea!!
The hypocrisy is these people is unbelievable!! What is he doing in the USA if we are so evil?????
Don’t support his movies or work. Don’t support people who don’t support this country. These are entertainment whores. Take our money without liking us or loving us!
Only Black LIES Matter.
Another great director has become PC shame on him.