America is the great destabilizer in the Middle East and not ISIS, says Oliver Stone and he thinks he can prove it. In Stone’s ten part documentary, The Untold History of the United States, he wraps up by focusing on our involvement in the Middle East. On page 2, one will find a trailer of the series.
No wonder your son converted to Islam.
ISIS please stop killing Christian’s Syrians and American Soldiers with the weapons Hillary Clinton sent you and come Party and Play with us Gay’s in Palm Springs California . A couple of$#%&!@*group orgies at one of our many downtown all male sex Resorts will cure you of that silly old Muhammad. We’ll even throw in a bag of Rainbow Doritos.
We’ll put. Thank you!!!
The government is the treat to this country they are giving in to a bunch of cry babys!
Really! Why doesn’t he leave, he has the money. Go live over there. Just saying
They tell you the truth and people think they are lying… The truth doesn’t set you free.. The truth destroys your conditioning and brings down the walls of deceit that will be defended by the ego with lashing out of words and deeds.. It hates to be duped, it hates to be wrong, it hates to vulnerable, and considered a fool.. This game that is being played, by those who mean to profit, corporate government, not your loved land and its people, do have a stake in the destabilized Middle East… War and chaos is profitable… Never forget.
Stone Stone, oh wait that’s ISIS that stones people they don’t like.
stone has been mentally unstable for years and reflects the terrible state our mental health is in this country when we let people like stone walk the streets of America unattended. Hey, there’s help out there somewhere, stone….. Even in california.
After he make his millions here. Get out and live in Yemen.
Stone are you stoned?