America is the great destabilizer in the Middle East and not ISIS, says Oliver Stone and he thinks he can prove it. In Stone’s ten part documentary, The Untold History of the United States, he wraps up by focusing on our involvement in the Middle East. On page 2, one will find a trailer of the series.
What a stupid thing to say and get the hell out of America
Gosh darn that America, making me rich and being such a bad country in the process. What’s a rich, entitled, spoiled, ungrateful Hollywood liberal to do???
Well if it walks like a duck and talks like a duck – it must be the military industrial complex.
America has to save the World from each other.
oliver stone…never heard of her
Stone joins MANY in the Obama era left that hate this country, its history and its culture.
not america but our secret government….
This man has rocks in his head for brains.
America is a threat to the World because of it’s inept and weak and spineless leaders. Support Trump.