America is the great destabilizer in the Middle East and not ISIS, says Oliver Stone and he thinks he can prove it. In Stone’s ten part documentary, The Untold History of the United States, he wraps up by focusing on our involvement in the Middle East. On page 2, one will find a trailer of the series.
I don’t think anyone should ever watch another one of his movies again…
Wow, coming from a radical Democrat…..Someone should explain that it is NOT America who is now the threat, it is BARACK HUSSEIN OBAMA and his MUSLIM BROTHERHOOD who are the destablizer’s. It’s about the Caliphate, stupid.
I think oliver stone has been smoking crack, and drinking some of obummer’s kool-aid.
Kick the fool out of the country. Send him to Kenya, Sudan, where ever.
You are a washed-up has been. Feel free to travel to Syria to make a movie about an ISIS hero.
Who cares what he say?
liberals are just as great a threat as isis they belong together!!
We’re not theones over there killing people and destroying things, idiot
liberal , enough said
Who cares what this$#%&!@*says.