America is the great destabilizer in the Middle East and not ISIS, says Oliver Stone and he thinks he can prove it. In Stone’s ten part documentary, The Untold History of the United States, he wraps up by focusing on our involvement in the Middle East. On page 2, one will find a trailer of the series.
if it wasn’t for the USA these countries wouldn’t be as big and strong as they got.
Leftist liberal like Oliver Stone is one of the many problems and the greatest threat to American national security and liberty
Get out of my country. Hypocrite idiot diminishing America after build a fortune with the loyalty and good intention of Americans.
Go live with Isis
What crock You live in a movie land !!! Go back there !!!
You socialists are the biggest threat to this nation.
Barack Obama
He’s right in a way..only one way..those who stand by and watch evil and do nothing are the bigger threat
Another destroyer !!!