Oliver Stone: Forget About ISIS, America is the Real Threat To The World


Oliver Stone is controversial and is agitating the public with statements like, “American exceptionalism has to be driven out of our curriculums. We’re not under threat. We are the threat.”

He is turning back to his intellectual form in his documentary The Untold History of the United States and is rejuvenating his endeavors at challenging the “mainstream narrative regarding American exceptionalism, economic imperialism, and our government’s “nefarious involvement” in the Middle East.”

Stone says his documentary series is an alternative approach to American history, one he hopes will fight the“educational crime” of exposing today’s schoolchildren to the propaganda of standard textbooks and television programs.

The final episode is called “Bush & Obama: Age of Terror” and can be viewed at Info Wars.

According to Stone, the U.S. government’s destabilizing role actually goes back much further than ISIS. His new series pinpoints moments of American intrusion in the region as far back as the 1930s and follows it all the way to the CIA-backed Iranian coup in 1953, support for Afghanistan-based, anti-Soviet Union militants in the 1980s, George H.W. Bush’s Iraq invasion of 1990, and present-day efforts in Iran, Syria, and other countries.

Stone is very critical of the United States position in the world.   He believes, “We’ve destabilized the entire region, created chaos. And then we blame ISIS for the chaos we have created.”

Source: InfoWars
Image: Nicolas Genin, Wikimedia Commons.

His full series can be seen here.



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