Oliver North states that if any other president had tried to do what Obama has done, he would have been impeached already.
“Tragically, this administration has gotten away with things that any other president would have been impeached for,” he stated. “There’s no doubt in my mind.”
What other president has had Forbes magazine publish an article illustrating their “Top Ten Constitutional Violations Of The Year?”
As surreal as this madness might seem, it exists. We have a law-breaking, traitorous, anti-American president in the White House protected by both political parties by their inaction to do anything about him.
Many public figures – from actor Steven Seagal and Ambassador Alan Keyes to Code Pink Co-founder Medea Benjamin and rock star Ted Nugent – have called for impeaching President Obama.
Oliver North says if any other president had tried to do what Obama has done, he already would be impeached.
“Tragically, this administration has gotten away with things that any other president would have been impeached for,” he said. “There’s no doubt in my mind.”
North, a former Marine Corps lieutenant colonel first known for his testimony as a National Security Council staff member under President Reagan during the Iran–Contra affair, was being interviewed by Tim Constantine of “The Capitol Hill Show” at the recent Conservative Political Action Conference in Washington.
The absence of leadership in Washington is creating major problems, unlike when Ronald Reagan was in the White House, said North, who currently is the host of “War Stories with Oliver North” on Fox News Channel.
“We need him; we need a president like that. We currently have what I described this morning when I was addressing this great group as a ‘leadership deficit disorder’ in Washington, D.C.”
North said the deficit is evident “in what we see happening in Ukraine; it’s evident in the failure of this Congress to hold this administration culpable and accountable for the criminal activities in which they’ve been involved.”
North said he was encouraged by the young people getting involved in the conservative movement and pleased with their concern about Obama.
“The one leadership example he’s given is how to avoid accepting responsibility for anything,” he said. “It’s always someone else’s fault.”
North said there are several issues that should have been investigated thoroughly.
“I know that if you convene a select committee, they will get to the bottom of it. … Why the dickens haven’t we convened a select committee to investigate Benghazi, the IRS enemies list, spying on Americans, threatening reporters?”
That’s what I have been saying for mons. now. His race has nothing to do with why he should be impeached. He is a traitor to this country and should be stood up against a wall and shot just like any other traitor. We need to have a special election and get rid of the whole lot of them and start over. We cannot wait until 2016 for his term to run out. If we do we will not have a free country left. And when we do get them out we need to find a way that they will not continue to receive their salary for the rest of their lives. When we are fired or retire from a job we do not receive our salary for the rest of our lives so why should they. If they are at retirement age make them try to live on Social Security like the rest of us retired Seniors and see how long it is before they realize how difficult it is to live on the small amount they dole out to us, and how unfair it is that they are always targeting the Seniors when they want more money for themselves. I don’t think that they should be able to vote themselves raises. We the people who pay for their salaries should have that right. Sorry I am so long winded but it makes me angry that we have to put up with all this bull$#%&!@*. I wish that there was more I could do but I am limited because of funds.
True, they are letting this President get away with to much, action needs to be taken, Congress needs to get off there asses and stop being cowards
The militay needs to move in on him and impeach him and kick him out of the peoples house
Wait til after NOV
@Richard Walsh. the military can’t impeach him, only Congress can. BUT, they can remove him. which I’d love to see them do.
Nixon was forced to quit over a small infraction….amazing, how the current stuff is allowed to continue
Doesn’t ANYBODY KNOW what happened to Nixon??? He SPIED on Dems!