My how the tides have turned: the people who spent the last eight years mocking conservatives for expressing concern that the executive branch might abuse its power are now doing just that.
You would never believe it but just a few weeks ago, liberals believed that it was not simply unpatriotic but possibly treasonous to question the president’s judgement. Now that the vast majority of their fellow Americans have spoken and elected Donald Trump to the highest office in the land, Democrats are convinced that dissent is the highest form of patriotism, railing against the concentration of power in the hands of the president. Nevermind that Trump hasn’t even taken office yet: they just want a reason to complain.
Terrified that Trump will use the power accumulated by the presidency to pursue goals completely antithetical to their own, the left is already devising schemes to strip him of it.
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Get over it losers! The people have spoken loud and clear!!!
Olbermann you are psichologicalli imbalance moron.
These liberal friend will stop at nothing! They can’t seriously want that lying, cheating, killing, criminal woman in the whitehouse!
To those who hired and support trump, he’s your problem.
MORE Americans voted against him than for him, so enjoy your fool.
Olberman…how much money do you make per year?
I bet Trump makes that in a week but hes the unbalanced crazy one huh?
Just the other way around I think. Oberman is a cry baby he needs a latch pin and pacifier.
Olbermann takes it balls deep also known to suck and swallow!
Wow the Democrats must really be a fraud of loosen there power ! Now they make up this lie ! The recount f**e ballots ! Dead voters rioters! Flag burning people Protesting f**e new from CNN now they are trying to provoke the 25 the amendment ! Really I think Hillery needs her medication changed ! She is off her rocker . Hillery needs a special jacket that let’s her hug her self ! Really !!lol
Paid fool still sucking on that teat.
Olberman is likely to be removed once the networks are reformed.