If there is one thing you can say about Donald Trump, it’s that he has been a boon for Leftists who were at their rope’s end when it came to surviving by the skin of their teeth the Obama regime. President Trump has done more to shore up a flagging DNC fundraising effort than Mitch McConnell, Ted Cruz, Mike Lee, Paul Ryan and Michele Bachmann combined! And that’s saying something.
In addition to saving the struggling DNC coffers from being opened to reveal a scene directly from the end of the movie, Raiders of the Lost Ark (i.e., Rene Belloq opens the Ark of the Covenant to reveal a container of sand), he has also saved an underwater Fake News Industrial Complex (FNIC) from certain death by drowning in their own headlines. Even the old and haggard “Gray Lady” (New York Times) senior editorial staff admitted on hidden camera to Project Veritas that Trump was the best thing that’s happened to the paper since Nixon’s resignation.
As for the Libs, they are laser-focused on destroying Trump with words, rather than facts, and that falls right within the grand tradition of people like Al Franken and Bill Maher who have made a living out of naysaying, but doing literally nothing to further the human condition beyond what is comfortable for the typical Liberal. In other words, they are all talk and no action.
One of the rare exceptions is Keith Olbermann who is doing his level best right now to draw attention away from real, honest collusion with the Russians by Democrats as well as collusion with useful idiots like Bill Kristol and John McCain (who Olbermann would apparently French-kiss if it could throw Trump from office) in his podcasts brought to you via his mom’s basement!
Turn the page to read about his new book, Trump is F*cking Crazy (this is not a joke), and how he peddled this piece of garbage on The View to an enthusiastic panel and audience, and how he apparently believes that Trump has been worse for America than even bin Laden himself!
Any damage to America was done by osama bin laden’s islamic brother Barack hussein obama, aka obama bin lying. Trump is doing the hard work of repairing the damage, but the liberal idiots are too stupid to understand that obama and osama were and are our enemy. President Trump is our salvation and the idiot liberals of America can’t grasp that truth.
Globalist puppets!
Ignorant biased statement from ignorant person!!
So says Keith Overlord! Dilly Dilly!
It’s idiots like you, obama and osama who have polarized this nation. Intelligent Americans, the better half, understand that America is best served to remain a sovereign nation with the Constitution as its guiding principles for freedom. You idiots want to give our nation over to the nation of islam and the globalist like Soros and the Rothschilds. You’re so ignorant it’s difficult to believe you’re smart enough to continue to breath, even though breathing is done by our autonomic nervous system. And Trump didn’t cause hatred and suspicion of liberals, muslims, and illegals. You liberals, illegals and the islamic scums agenda to take our nation did that all by your fucking selves. Our nation stands for freedom and the pursuit of happiness for our citizens you moron, not the rest of the world. They are responsible to do that for themselves. Idiots like you want to force ALL American citizens to suffer and do without to take care of people who are to fucking sorry to make their country more like America through hard work rewards to those who work the hardest. No other fucking country on earth gave America it’s greatness, the past generations of our families made America a place of envy. Now, all the envious lazy bastards of the world wish to come here and enjoy what generation a of our ancestors built for us to enjoy. And they are not coming here to contribute and earn a place in our society, they’re coming here to take advantage of our accomplishments and take what we’ve earned. They demand everything for free, and people like you want to force is to give it to them while depriving our own children. And our children are deprived because we can’t afford to give America’s offerings to our children because our tax money is given to illegals and our enemies to educate and prepare their children for success in our country for FREE. Idiot!
Can one person be that stupid and still be allowed out in public.
I thought that hack was retired?
Twiddle deep and twiddle dum