Attendance slipped significantly at the world’s biggest beer party.
The annual Oktoberfest in Germany is on shaky ground as border controls imposed to stem the flow of Islamic refugees complicated rail travel, organizers said Sunday.
Remember, Islamists do not imbibe and tend to be rather violent towards us Infidels. Read more on the next page:
Muslims. Don’t have to guess why.
Thinking time for controls on our borders!
Shoot em and grill em
So they will cancel Oktoberfest thanks to those go raping scumbags well now maybe the German sheeple will finally wake up
Somebody inserting their influence? Let me guess, Muslums are offended? They are trying to change everything that is not in occordance with their religion! Better stop it now before it’s too late !!!!
This is why we need to stop Thea’s Muslims
Ahahahahahahahahahahaha, AhahahahahahahahahahahA, all I can do is laugh at them , Ahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha, it’s ok all the Germans will
Move to USA.